So what generates you the most gold?
KEEP in mind that this is USING botting and selling on ah
Playing the market/auctionhouse
Ore shuffle
Farm pets with botting
farm cloth/othershit with botting
There is no right or wrong answer, its deppending on server. My exp is Skining is pretty good on Very high server. But then its also farming one thing. where you can farm x2profs at the time with Herb and minning and on Very Low server minning and herb is very usefull.
Basicly i dont farm as 85 i Lvl with minning and herb most of the time . one time my Warrior made over 500k before dinging 85 right when Cata came out +20k pr night in uldum from lvl 78 thats the way to go
Minning and Herb from 58-85 is the way to go over Half of this Chars have been useing Herb and minning. when hitting 85 Delete Everything and go for better stats :=)
2x Dk 85 Alchemy Enchanting the last Dk i made only have Alchemy still missing some other profs
2x Rogue 85 Alchemy, BS / Minning Herb
2x Priest 80 and 85 Mining Herb Both
1x Pala 85 Enchanting Alchemy
1x Mage 85 does it need profs? nah just arcane blast and we be fine topping meter any way
1x Shaman 85 Minning, Herb
1x Druid 85 Skinning, LW
1x Warrior 85 BS, JC
1x Hunter 85 Skinning, LW