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what do you do when an admin whispers you?


Sep 7, 2011
hey i was wondering what most people done when an admin whispers you?

I would normally ignor most ppl that whisper me ingame as its normally some kids thats askin for help in a dungeon or some stupid quest that even though your 85 still takes forever cos they died and cant find their corps, or the like.

Is it best to whisper back or just have the addon to do an auto whisper?
I think he is talking about game masters, and yeah you get a seperate chat window when they write to you.

it will never say [Name*]:[GM] Game masterz n?w go visit this link: http://scammer.fuckit or we will suspend your accounts.
I think he is talking about game masters, and yeah you get a seperate chat window when they write to you.

it will never say [Name*]:[GM] Game masterz n?w go visit this link: http://scammer.fuckit or we will suspend your accounts.

True, but I couldn't tell.

"take a screen shot, or it never happened. " what's this relate to then?
by admin i mean GM sorry

and can they not whisper to you but when you right click on their name it comes up "0 players" (or something like that)

but yet you can still have a conversation with them and they seem to always use smileys at the end of their sentences ei "want to do some 2s :) "
Odd how many Blizzard GM that are level 1 and is called something like Blizzaccountadminwow1 :)
nothing like that more like "jelup" but you cant find what level he is and when you go to the armory there isnt a charachter called that and there is none online even though you call still talk to them

so the conversation goes something like:
08:30:49 [Jelup] whispers: want to do some 2s? :) (in pink writing)
0 players with that name (in yellow writing after shift clicking)
08:31:30 to [Jelup]: no thanks (my reply in pink)
0 players with that name (in yellow writing after shift clicking)
08:31:40 [jelup] whispers: ok sorry for bothering you :) (in pink writing)
0 players with that name (in yellow writing after shift clicking)
You sure the name wasn't something like
J?lup or J?lup or J?lup or J?lup

There's many different kinds of latters that could've been used
it was an example and wouldnt matter if i shift clicked it in the general chat tab
Could somehow be related to bugs where you'd be disconnected from chat server, but not the game?

Anyways, dont be nervous..
Here's what i do:
Use ZNFK (yes it still works)
Use the plugin Shutup (only for the notification sounds, other can be used.. Just remember to disable replies)
cool thanks ill check that out now.

keep an eye out for that though, im really not goin crazy....
if a GM ingame master whisper you u get a special GM box pop up a scammer wil just pretend to be a GM but they are Stupid as hell they wouldnt get my account but some people fall for it and never click on fake wow emails neither in your email but if a gm ingame master whisper u always talk back thats the best but if it isnt a gm just do /ignore or just download Badboy put it on lvl 85 no other player can whisper u accept a gm