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What are you currently botting?


Active Member
Mar 31, 2012
Didn't see a thread like this, if it exists, please link and close this one :)

I'm pretty bored right now, so I decided to create this thread and ask the fellow HB users what they currently are botting.
So, what are you botting?
Remember to never post your realm/name in any threads.

What I'm farming: Reputation with Cenarion Expedition.
Why I'm farming it: Need exalted for a mount.
Link to the profile I'm using: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ion-cenarion-expedition-mount-farm-horde.html

Please use the template below for posting in this thread :)

[B]What I'm farming:[/B] Write here
[B]Why I'm farming it:[/B] Write here
[B]Link the the profile I'm using:[/B] Link here
What I'm farming: lvling
Why I'm farming it: i want to get an alt to 85 for alchemy and JC
Link the the profile I'm using: i use that from kicks (hes currently lvl56 warlock)

What I'm farming: herbs and obsidium ore
Why I'm farming it: for my goal :3
Link the the profile I'm using: costum in vish'jr
What I'm farming:
Pyrite and Elementium ores​
Why I'm farming it:
For a few pennies to survive raids (LazyRaider FTW)​
Link the the profile I'm using:
Costum TH profile​
What I'm farming: Leveling a hunter
Why I'm farming it: Wan't all classes at 85
Link the the profile I'm using: i use that from kicks

What I'm farming: herbs and ores
Why I'm farming it: Money, money, money and more money ;)
Link the the profile I'm using: Twilight Highlands
What I'm farming: Lvling a mage 4x
Why I'm farming it: I have nothing else to do while im at work (i bot here but can "play")
Link the the profile I'm using: Kicks

What I'm farming: Ores & Herbs
Why I'm farming it: Prospect -> Create jewel -> DE -> Transmute -> AH & Trade chat
Link the the profile I'm using: Professionbuddy DE-JC profile
What I'm farming: Ores & Herbs (2 bots soon)
Why I'm farming it: Sell them all raw on AH and sell to private seller
Link the the profile I'm using: I'm just using the one that comes with profession buddy and use it separate.

Also need help deciding for 3rd: JC and Inscription or JC Enchanting

Close this please. and don't start topics like this. plane stupid. botting should be a black art. yes there are public profiles but you shouldn't be going around saying i am currently farming this profile. I mean how stupid do you wana be?

/end rant.

Didn't see a thread like this, if it exists, please link and close this one :)

I'm pretty bored right now, so I decided to create this thread and ask the fellow HB users what they currently are botting.
So, what are you botting?
Remember to never post your realm/name in any threads.

What I'm farming: Reputation with Cenarion Expedition.
Why I'm farming it: Need exalted for a mount.
Link to the profile I'm using: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ion-cenarion-expedition-mount-farm-horde.html

Please use the template below for posting in this thread :)

[B]What I'm farming:[/B] Write here
[B]Why I'm farming it:[/B] Write here
[B]Link the the profile I'm using:[/B] Link here
I can kinda understand where this thread is going. Might aswell say What are you farming: Ores and Herbs? Why: To make gold? What profile: what eva the guy is using.
What I'm farming: Levelling my first botted character! (Tauren Druid).
Why I'm farming it: Have a Druid on Alliance but what's the point in paying for a character transfer when you can use Honorbuddy? ;)
Link the the profile I'm using: Kick's! (THE BEST!)
What I'm farming: uldum mining
Why I'm farming it: gold to buy things..
Link the the profile I'm using: Its the mining profile in the uldum gathering thread