So, i got this very simple (se attached xml) profile for this area where dots are mobs, yellow arrows is where i run and green arrows is the way back (see picture). I have two major issues with it, disregarding the horrible optimization of the bot:
- Doesn't loot anything. Even if it did i ONLY want to loot credits, NOTHING else. How do i do that?
- Attacks mobs way too far from the hotspots. How do i set a maximum range for attacking mobs?
View attachment 47194
View attachment 47195
Short answer: can't do this (yet).
Alas, BuddyWing is still young and missing a wonderful feature that Honorbuddy has... the ability to write CustomBehaviors.
Because of this, we don't have the capability to set looting modes or alter the pull distance from within a profile. Both of these were accomplished by the
UserSettings CustomBehavior in HonorBuddy.
The SWtOR client doesn't provide an API
at all (i.e., similar to WoW's LUA environment). That is why you see no addons for the game. Bioware may be doing this on purpose on the mistaken belief it will slow down bot development. To a certain extent its true, it makes bot development a fair bit harder, and functionality such as CustomBehaviors takes a back-burner to keeping the bot running. All the SWtOR functionality has been 100% reverse engineered by Bossland GmbH--this takes time, and it may have to be redone after each patch.
In reality, what slows bot development down is:
- a small user community (which translates into a very small number of bot customers--i.e., a low revenue stream)
- patching the client every other day
SWtOR has both of the above, undesirable properties. As a consequence, you will not see the same speed of development progress on BuddyWing that you saw on Honorbuddy.
I don't know if adding CustomBehaviors is on the drawing board for BuddyWing or not. Alternatively, BW could be beefed up to provide this functionality natively. Alas, I know not the plans for the future.