To end this once and for all this will explain it. The last "ban wave" in December did NOT include EVERYONE that should have been banned for the violation but rather a set rounded number of people. If they had banned everyone detected via the HB mistake then their support (already overwhelmed for the holidays) would have no chance of helping players who really needed it. At one point mid December they had to answer over 15,000 tickets in one day just to get their ques back within guidelines. Had they banned everyone this would cost Blizzard more in customer support resources than would be deemed worth it. So if you are just now receiving a 6 month ban it is most likely for that as you can receive that ban up to 60 days after the event (when ques are more in order). Until the 18th of this February you could still get hit for the December wave. 6 month bans happen because of detection and not player reports. Unfortunate as it may be any new account you create on the same device you were banned on using the same IP you were banned on could get banned until those 60 days are up. While a scan of your system may not detect HB directly I can assume you have NOT renamed HB to something new or updated the name of your machine since the ban wave? So Blizz scans the machine... Locates HB in the EXACT same spot with the EXACT same name as the last time they detected it and bam... they know you still have it.
TLDR - If you are EVER banned via banwave uninstall and reinstall all buddy products and rename them to something different. I would also install them to a "games" folder or folder that isnt "program files xxxx". They can ban you for up to 60 days after banwave for the banwave event. - this is a useful link with great information as well.
TLDR - If you are EVER banned via banwave uninstall and reinstall all buddy products and rename them to something different. I would also install them to a "games" folder or folder that isnt "program files xxxx". They can ban you for up to 60 days after banwave for the banwave event. - this is a useful link with great information as well.