So now i've been banned again 18 month! Decided to get drunk and forget all about the game!. To start with it was Mr T.s Fault that i started playing the if you remember before TBC?. Used to love the game! "Quick Summary"!. then it seemed ages and we got to fight a dragon! woohoo!. Then we eneded up KungfuPandaLand. Big Disappointment for m!e. Still wasnt Botting! btw. Middle of the way through Pandaland, doing PvP and Raging about how bad PvP was, i got a whisper!. that said one word "Honorbudddy"!. Didn't know anything about such thing's until i searched. After that i bought it, loved it. Went from 1 char at 80 to 8 chars at 100 without even caring!. If i wanted gold i ran HB, but now i see a lot of people Bitching about it being HB's fault. Well no it isn't!!! it's your fault for getting HB in the first place!. But if you remember Mr T standing in the tent outside the starting ground all those years ago, feel free to give me a shout out! As for the Devs of HB! God bless, they saved me from hours and hours of Tedius grinding!