[23:27:03:609] Target nearest enemy.
[23:27:04:78] interact: 0x19B2F528
[23:27:04:109] interact done: 0x19B2F528
[23:27:07:328] interact: 0x19AFC8A8
[23:27:07:406] interact done: 0x19AFC8A8
[23:27:10:578] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 32,83957 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[23:57:57:500] Error - sync2: ReadUInt at 0x191FD010 failed.
I dont understand how this keep happening ... I have had only one succesfull night without disconncect, but every other night i found my computer at disconnect this make me so angry ....
[23:27:04:78] interact: 0x19B2F528
[23:27:04:109] interact done: 0x19B2F528
[23:27:07:328] interact: 0x19AFC8A8
[23:27:07:406] interact done: 0x19AFC8A8
[23:27:10:578] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 32,83957 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[23:57:57:500] Error - sync2: ReadUInt at 0x191FD010 failed.
I dont understand how this keep happening ... I have had only one succesfull night without disconncect, but every other night i found my computer at disconnect this make me so angry ....