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Websites that buy gold??


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
hello all. I just got back into botting and selling gold. I used to multi bot back in the glider days and made good money. I am looking to start farming in large amounts again but the only problem is all the sites i used to sell to no longer buy gold or the price is just way too low.

I am looking for websites that buy gold and have you deliver direct to their customers. I know Mmoinn.org used to do this, but it looks like they got bought out and no longer buy gold. Anyone know any websites where i can sell direct to the websites customer? If not i would still appreciate if someone could tell me what sites are trusty and give a decent price.

Thank you!
prices are low everywhere period. private buyers are your only option to make any amount of money and still some are thinking that 4-5 dollars per 1000 is to pricey because there are some sites out there that are selling for that.Good luck and Welcome back
Really your best option is to do some research yourself, find a few sites you believe are honest and do a google search on them specifically to see if there are any negative comments about them. There are so many sites out there to choose from, search the forums for sites NOT to sell to there were a few threads on it. It is a risky business and at times a leap of faith when starting a business relationship with a different company.
*most* sites are offering very low rates, as supply currently outwieghs demand.
Not expecting the price to rise for a few months, and even when it does the stockpilers will come out of the shadows and fill demand.
Find private buyers or stockpile, being a criminal isnt easy!
Whoever sells gold for $1/k to these scumbags sites are ethier 1. dumb, or 2. retarded.
I'm still getting $3/1k since I really only deal with one place. The requests are coming in from them more to have more gold on hand.
The site I sell to used to by gold for $3/k, then when things got worse, they went UP to $3.5/k and I thought that was amazing! Then last week they dropped down to $2.2/k and I just thin to myself "I coulda made 20 more bucks on that sale".
gold market is overloaded...its better to keep your gold atm
I found me a private seller willing to sell for 2-3$ per 1k I think that's an awesome price considering I was buying it at 4.2$ on every 1k don't seem like it's that much of a difference, but to me it is. I'm thinking about getting back into the GB game as my gold supply is getting rather low.
Best thing to Do is Do not tell people where you sell your gold.

Why ?

Because kids come here all the time thinking there ganna get rich. And when you tell them where to sell gold to. They wil Overflow them with gold and make them pay even less and want even less gold.

Sorry to be rude. Its just the truth.

Botting your all on your own. None of us want to help you make more money. Welcome to the Real world :)
Best thing to Do is Do not tell people where you sell your gold.

Why ?

Because kids come here all the time thinking there ganna get rich. And when you tell them where to sell gold to. They wil Overflow them with gold and make them pay even less and want even less gold.

Sorry to be rude. Its just the truth.

Botting your all on your own. None of us want to help you make more money. Welcome to the Real world :)

QQ more.

Not sure how he is QQ'ing he is simply stating the facts of the market. As a business owner you wouldn't share your sources of products with a competitor. In this environment you don't share gold buyer sites, it would only hurt the rest of the community.
Not sure how he is QQ'ing he is simply stating the facts of the market. As a business owner you wouldn't share your sources of products with a competitor. In this environment you don't share gold buyer sites, it would only hurt the rest of the community.

What Morga stated here is 100% correct.

The last time the resellers addresses got shared, everyone wanted to be a gold farmer until the market got f'd up and now there is too much supply and close to no demand.

Take your time and search for good resellers, and check the forums for their names in case one of our members dealt with them and got scammed.
There is a topic or two about the websites that you shouldn't trade with :).
If your depending on your income from reseller sites that offer a lot, its only a matter of a few months, perhaps less, until their price drops. No reseller site will pay you 3$ per k on a server they can buy gold from for 2$ per k on gameusd. If resellers are paying out 3$/k+ right now, its probably only on certain very high demand servers, that they cannot find other suppliers for.
man prices on US servers TUMBLED in the last 2 weeks...

like.. the "big" company (Starts with a P) .. their prices dropped in half

im sure they have been taken over or something.. it was real good customer service about 2 weeks ago .. then they started being offline lots.. and now they sound chinese..

Seems with these gold prices they cannot afford to keep customer service reps of any other kind. Also it seems their staff changes every week. Always a different talking style.
You guys ever expect the prices to rebound or are we in an endless downward spiral? I keep hearing that we should save our gold for Cataclysm. But honestly It will just be that much eaier to get gold. Every expansion, or patch for that matter has made it easier for the player to get gold. I remember back in the BC days when I thought getting 10,000k and selling it was great. Now even 100,000k isnt all that great. Its starting to cost more to bot than you make, if you are a gold seller.