you have to wait for the updates!
It strikes me as odd that you say this. Cus it worked if you change the tripwire settings. But now suddenly it does not work anymore. So that people don't understand how and why is logic. Nothing has been written on the UPDATE POST in between. Is it for once possible that you stop acting so bad to the community and the customers? I don't understand the (!) you typed either. Acting like we are complete idiots, + always INSTANTLY hammering posts to LOCKED.
There's a simple reason for that, the last patch 7.2 patch involved alot of changes that they had to change before it would work properly. They fixed that but due to the large amount security flawes they've had during the last couple of years, they wanted to make pretty damn sure that there was nothing in the new patches that could make HB vulnerable.
The reason the even allow for Tripwire to become disabled is mostly because of suicidebotters that do it purely to earn gold- so they do not care about account safety.
Now there's now: Today alittle past midnight there was a ninja patch that made it so the current version of HB does no longer work with current version of wow. So they have to update the bot again. Note, this has nothing to do with tripwire, this is simply to get a working version.
Why its taking so long i'm guessing that there are getting pretty vigilant over safety issue's as it may or may not appear that there loosing clientele that's sick of loosing accounts. This is of course only speculation on my part.
You're right, it is only speculation on your part. I suppose that's all we can do, as the developers don't have a reasonable explanation as to why it is taking so long for them to get a working product out to us. Yes it's true, MoP xpac did take 15 days for them to give us an update, but that was for an xpac, this was a patch and we're going on 15 days and counting. What's funny is they have time to send out mass emails to my expired key accounts to buy a non working bot before it becomes a month to month type a deal. It's absolutely ridiculous.