Share your method of how you sell gold to chinese gold sellers and still avoid getting banned. May seem excessive but game masters are getting better and better at banning.
4 bot accounts in one GUILD (this is you're legit bot guild that you want protected) - These guy play under your regular IP
2 vanilla accounts (these are you're gold sellers) - These guys are activated+played on a VPN or PROXY (theres tons of free proxies out there or you can use a payed VPN). Vanilla account 1 on one VPN/proxy, vanilla account 2 on a different vpn/proxy.
1. You accumulated 1000k gold with your 4 bot accounts under "MAIN GUILD BANK". /gquit all the botters from the guild one week in advance of the sale. Have them join a second guild called "Main Guild Bank2" or something while they bot for that week.
2. You obviously have a bank-alt guildmaster still in "main guild bank" using a bot account. Go ahead and create a vanilla account one week in advance of the sale. Level that toon to 10. Transfer guild ownership to that new lvl10 toon. Delete the original guildmaster to leave no evidence. You now have all your bots in a new guild and a vanilla account guildmaster under the original guild (guild should now have tons of members inside as if it were a legit guild, and 1000k gold).
3. Go ahead and keep leveling that vanilla account to whatever lvl you want, or troll trade chat for a week. After a week goes by, create "vanilla account 2". Have a random newbie guildy member invite the 'vanilla account2" and promote him to officer.
4. "Vanilla account2" will withdraw 1000k gold, then /gquit, then he creates his own 'vanilla account2 guildbank", he then invites the chinese gold seller to withdraw gold.
5. Wait for vanilla account2 to get banned. Cross your finger that vanilla account1 doesn't get banned, remember you never invited 'vanilla account2' to ninja the guild, it was another officer of the guild who is the scapegoat thats why its good to invite like 50 ppl to the original guild. If worst comes to worse, vanillaaccount1 + vanillaaccount2 + entire guild gets banned. In the meantime your 4 main account bots left the guild a week ago and have been in a seperate guild since under a different VPN - there is no way a GuildMaster can figure this one out.
Notes: if your 'vanilla account1" survives, one month later on your next sale, have him repeat the cycle above again, he'll become the guildmaster of the new 'legit guild2', all your main bots will disband the guild a week early. Create yet another vanilla account to be the seller , rince and repeat. What's crucial here is the VPN/PROXY, keep the vanilla accounts seperate from your botters.
4 bot accounts in one GUILD (this is you're legit bot guild that you want protected) - These guy play under your regular IP
2 vanilla accounts (these are you're gold sellers) - These guys are activated+played on a VPN or PROXY (theres tons of free proxies out there or you can use a payed VPN). Vanilla account 1 on one VPN/proxy, vanilla account 2 on a different vpn/proxy.
1. You accumulated 1000k gold with your 4 bot accounts under "MAIN GUILD BANK". /gquit all the botters from the guild one week in advance of the sale. Have them join a second guild called "Main Guild Bank2" or something while they bot for that week.
2. You obviously have a bank-alt guildmaster still in "main guild bank" using a bot account. Go ahead and create a vanilla account one week in advance of the sale. Level that toon to 10. Transfer guild ownership to that new lvl10 toon. Delete the original guildmaster to leave no evidence. You now have all your bots in a new guild and a vanilla account guildmaster under the original guild (guild should now have tons of members inside as if it were a legit guild, and 1000k gold).
3. Go ahead and keep leveling that vanilla account to whatever lvl you want, or troll trade chat for a week. After a week goes by, create "vanilla account 2". Have a random newbie guildy member invite the 'vanilla account2" and promote him to officer.
4. "Vanilla account2" will withdraw 1000k gold, then /gquit, then he creates his own 'vanilla account2 guildbank", he then invites the chinese gold seller to withdraw gold.
5. Wait for vanilla account2 to get banned. Cross your finger that vanilla account1 doesn't get banned, remember you never invited 'vanilla account2' to ninja the guild, it was another officer of the guild who is the scapegoat thats why its good to invite like 50 ppl to the original guild. If worst comes to worse, vanillaaccount1 + vanillaaccount2 + entire guild gets banned. In the meantime your 4 main account bots left the guild a week ago and have been in a seperate guild since under a different VPN - there is no way a GuildMaster can figure this one out.
Notes: if your 'vanilla account1" survives, one month later on your next sale, have him repeat the cycle above again, he'll become the guildmaster of the new 'legit guild2', all your main bots will disband the guild a week early. Create yet another vanilla account to be the seller , rince and repeat. What's crucial here is the VPN/PROXY, keep the vanilla accounts seperate from your botters.