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So, my FATEbot list keeps getting reset for some reason and having to re-add everything to the blacklist is really tedious. I'm staying up right now to make sure I can blacklist Svara fates and stuff. Is there a better solution to this?
So, my FATEbot list keeps getting reset for some reason and having to re-add everything to the blacklist is really tedious. I'm staying up right now to make sure I can blacklist Svara fates and stuff. Is there a better solution to this?
The only reason I can think of that it would reset is that you switched from the Beta back to the original, but I haven't heard about it reseting before.
That's where the file is located. Open it up with a text editor, I prefer Notepad++ and find " "BlackListedFates": [],". Then in between the brackets, place the fates you want to blacklist. It should look something like this
"BlackListedFates": [
"Dark Devices - The Bait",
"Dark Devices - The End",
"Dark Devices - The Plea",
"Dark Devices - The Switch"
You can make a backup of the file if you want to to! Also make sure to restart RebornBuddy to so that the blacklisted fates in the program will refresh.
Oh sorry I should've mentioned to close RB first because when RB closes, it saves the settings. So yeah close RB first then do what I said, then open it after you're all done.