L loozander New Member Joined Nov 5, 2010 Messages 17 Dec 23, 2011 #1 Bot constantly tries to run through the graveyard's wall back to the horde flag room (I presume). Does this just need to be re-meshed? edit; nvm just used the search feature, looks like you already know about this... Last edited: Dec 23, 2011
Bot constantly tries to run through the graveyard's wall back to the horde flag room (I presume). Does this just need to be re-meshed? edit; nvm just used the search feature, looks like you already know about this...
Tony "The Bee" Joined Jan 15, 2010 Messages 128,830 Dec 23, 2011 #2 u can re-report it here if you want http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...your-issues-here-so-i-can-get-them-fixed.html
u can re-report it here if you want http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...your-issues-here-so-i-can-get-them-fixed.html