Hey! I decided some days ago to bot up an human warrior to 80, so here we go
Day 1:
Bought heirloom weapon (the axe). Buying shoulder & chest soon for more xp/hour!
Started with this profile: 2shared - download 1-20.rar
Didn't change any settings in HB.
Started at level 1, went to level 10 without any new skills or items
Heirloom axe ftw!
Day 2:
Started out good this day, went 10-17 over night.
Using this profile until level 45: 2shared - download 20-45.rar .
Over the day, I got dc so I got to level 19, then had to wait several hours for me to get home from school... But (!) over the afternoon when I got home it botted 19-22 and got me some nice xp/hour in Redridge
Day 3:
This is today (03-16). Went to bed when my warrior was 22. Woke up 7 hours later, it was 28!
Soon berserker stance! Still using default warrior CC and the 20-45 profile!
Had a connection error, so ended up at level 31 today
1 day playtime
Day 8
Hey! Sorry for the slow updates
Level 43 now, Still using the 20-45 profile. Will be switching soon
Updating this soon again!
Day 9:
Ding 46
Switched to this profile: http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?55-Dunemaul-Compound-46-50-by-Grak/
Day 10:
Ding 53
Using the 45-60 done by http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread....n-Mesh-by-Mord
Day 25:
Took a long pause. Now level 78! Using new CC & profiles! Check down below! Using the 75-80 profile!
Screenshot at level 80 incoming with less than 250 quests done!
I am now using the relogger & resizer named Bigsister! Working very good! Link down below.
Day 27:
Ding 80! Screenshot with achivement + character sheet:
As you can see, had 198 quests done, and within 13 days. Most efficient botting yet.
Profile & CC list:
1-20: 2shared - download 1-20.rar
20-45: 2shared - download 20-45.rar
1-60 (Preffered): http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread....46-50-by-Grak/
58-68(70 prefered): http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread....8-70-by-Hawker
68(70)-80: http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread....t-and-Sholazar
75-80(Preferred): http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?2112-Kolramas-75-80-(Neutral)
New CC(Prefered): http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?3219-Warrior-CC-Themsycira-(Arms-Fury-Defense)
CC used(Not preffered): http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread....C-by-likwid818
Relogger: http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread....ger-Beta-Phase

Day 1:
Bought heirloom weapon (the axe). Buying shoulder & chest soon for more xp/hour!
Started with this profile: 2shared - download 1-20.rar
Didn't change any settings in HB.
Started at level 1, went to level 10 without any new skills or items

Day 2:
Started out good this day, went 10-17 over night.
Using this profile until level 45: 2shared - download 20-45.rar .
Over the day, I got dc so I got to level 19, then had to wait several hours for me to get home from school... But (!) over the afternoon when I got home it botted 19-22 and got me some nice xp/hour in Redridge

Day 3:
This is today (03-16). Went to bed when my warrior was 22. Woke up 7 hours later, it was 28!

Had a connection error, so ended up at level 31 today

Day 8
Hey! Sorry for the slow updates

Updating this soon again!
Day 9:
Ding 46

Switched to this profile: http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?55-Dunemaul-Compound-46-50-by-Grak/
Day 10:
Ding 53

Using the 45-60 done by http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread....n-Mesh-by-Mord
Day 25:
Took a long pause. Now level 78! Using new CC & profiles! Check down below! Using the 75-80 profile!
Screenshot at level 80 incoming with less than 250 quests done!
I am now using the relogger & resizer named Bigsister! Working very good! Link down below.
Day 27:
Ding 80! Screenshot with achivement + character sheet:

As you can see, had 198 quests done, and within 13 days. Most efficient botting yet.
Profile & CC list:
1-20: 2shared - download 1-20.rar
20-45: 2shared - download 20-45.rar
1-60 (Preffered): http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread....46-50-by-Grak/
58-68(70 prefered): http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread....8-70-by-Hawker
68(70)-80: http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread....t-and-Sholazar
75-80(Preferred): http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?2112-Kolramas-75-80-(Neutral)
New CC(Prefered): http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?3219-Warrior-CC-Themsycira-(Arms-Fury-Defense)
CC used(Not preffered): http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread....C-by-likwid818
Relogger: http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread....ger-Beta-Phase