if people want, i GUESS i can force Zerfall to use the PVE rotations in PVP instead of just sitting there, but everyone complains about there not being one, but no one wants to sit down with me, who actually knows the class, to tell me what i needs to do for each spec.Nope, that right, when it comes to warlock, we get nothing good lol, I leveled a lock in hopes to pvp with good cc,but never found one, I know one cc work in pvp, just inst good, prince of darkness, I think it is.
I did use that to get my full pvp set, so it did the job
if people want, i GUESS i can force Zerfall to use the PVE rotations in PVP instead of just sitting there, but everyone complains about there not being one, but no one wants to sit down with me, who actually knows the class, to tell me what i needs to do for each spec.
if people want, i GUESS i can force Zerfall to use the PVE rotations in PVP instead of just sitting there, but everyone complains about there not being one, but no one wants to sit down with me, who actually knows the class, to tell me what i needs to do for each spec.