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Warlock pvp cc none? seriously?


New Member
Feb 13, 2010
Guys my warlock sucks in bg's i have scores on 0-15. if i am lucky i get 1 kill, and thats every 10th bg.
I use bg-bot whats wrong? and yeah there are none warlock pvp cc's
Nope, that right, when it comes to warlock, we get nothing good lol, I leveled a lock in hopes to pvp with good cc,but never found one, I know one cc work in pvp, just inst good, prince of darkness, I think it is.

I did use that to get my full pvp set, so it did the job
Nope, that right, when it comes to warlock, we get nothing good lol, I leveled a lock in hopes to pvp with good cc,but never found one, I know one cc work in pvp, just inst good, prince of darkness, I think it is.

I did use that to get my full pvp set, so it did the job
if people want, i GUESS i can force Zerfall to use the PVE rotations in PVP instead of just sitting there, but everyone complains about there not being one, but no one wants to sit down with me, who actually knows the class, to tell me what i needs to do for each spec.
i dont know how they work in pvp. but ye just something that will not just stand still. something would be more than great.
if people want, i GUESS i can force Zerfall to use the PVE rotations in PVP instead of just sitting there, but everyone complains about there not being one, but no one wants to sit down with me, who actually knows the class, to tell me what i needs to do for each spec.

Hey man, i can work this out with you if u whant to make it done, ill tell all rotations for all 3 trees, i dont know in any kind of way how to do a CC but i know the class so i tell u how it shud behave and u make it i guess?
Pm me when u got time!

Ps. I have totally botted up all my characters through HB except of the lock which was my first class in vanilla.

Warlock 1-85 by hand
Death Knight: Botted 58-85
Mage: Totally HB
Warrior: Totally HB
Shaman: Totally HB
Rogue: Totally HB
if people want, i GUESS i can force Zerfall to use the PVE rotations in PVP instead of just sitting there, but everyone complains about there not being one, but no one wants to sit down with me, who actually knows the class, to tell me what i needs to do for each spec.

I've never known how to actually pvp with a warlock, so unfortunately, im no help :(
Just started using honor buddy, Need a good pvp cc. I can give my pointers on pvp since i do pvp on my lock it's just really lack luster. You obviously need affliction pvp spec for surviavbility (but destro works great in bgs)

Opener should be if not focused haunt >> UA >> corruption >> agony same as pve. Then you toss out CoEx. annoying part is i dont see a way for the pvp bot to know to "kite" so it would have to tank/spank players. Obviously need to crowd control players and have the bot make the fel puppy spell lock critical spells like if ur deep freezed lock frost bolt assuming trinket is on CD filler is drain life blowing night fall procs.

If ur focused howl of terror wait like 2s time on the target (incase trinket) if no trinket UA >> haunt >> Corr >> agony >> CoEx
If trinket >> coil >>fear >> UA >> Haunt >> Corr >> agony.

I played with the singular rogue CC while farming and my god it landed agrod 2 adds and instantly blinded one. Is there an option to prioratize high value/danger targets like healers for instant CC? taht would be amazing on a pull :)

Also if kiting is possible spam fel flame waiting on night fall procs is also a good strat as it keeps ua on the target which is ur only other cast time spell (other being haunt) so u can roll 3 dots on the target
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