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Warden scans RAM and ALL OPEN processes?


New Member
Jan 6, 2014
Hello. So I just got perma-banned for botting. I got it reduced to a 3-day ban, but this is the email that followed:


Thank you for your contact, I'm sorry that you encountered this issue and apologies for the delay with the response.

The game client may monitor your computer's RAM and/or CPU processes for unauthorized third party programs running concurrently with the game.

An unauthorized third party program is defined as any third party software (including Addons) that facilitates cheating; intercepts, mines or collects information from the game database; or allows modifying or hacking of the game interface, environment or experience in any way not expressly authorized by Blizzard Entertainment.

The actions above have been deemed inappropriate for the World of Warcraft, and resulted in the closure of your account. After a thorough review we have determined that the World of Warcraft license will not be permanently closed at this time. However the account will be suspended for 72 hours and a final warning applied.

After this suspension has ended you will be able to login normally. Also remember to login to the account page first to refresh the status. Bear in mind that future violations against our policies may lead to further actions up to and including permanent closure of the license.

While the suspension is in place, we would recommend taking a moment to review the policies in the game at https://battle.net/support/article/100644

This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use (Blizzard Entertainment: World of Warcraft Terms of Use) and our In-game Policies (http://eu.battle.net/support/article/100644), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing World of Warcraft. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

Our Battle.net Terms of Use can be found at Blizzard Entertainment: Battle.net Terms of Use. Further information on the different levels of account penalty we can apply is available at

We now consider this matter closed and would not look to enter into further discussion on the subject.

Thank you for your time and patience.

The game client may monitor your computer's RAM and/or CPU processes for unauthorized third party programs running concurrently with the game. Is that something new? Does warden now literally scan all your processes looking for third-party software? Or has this been in place for a long time?

BTW sorry if this has been posted before, just let me know and I'll delete the post.
Well is something that some people say on here but im not quite sure , other people says that if you dont open the wow as Administrator thats imposibol .
no it scans processes that have directly attached to WoW and in an offset that's listed in Warden. that and nothing else, that's what the EULA refers to.
How come Honorbuddy arent doing something, Seeing ppl getting banned and banned every day, Why havent they announced anything new ho tutch longer before ppl are geting really tired of this, me my self lost around 10 accounts over the past month
I remember reading something about this a while back and they are technically able to monitor the program they have liscensed to you, but they cannot look outside of wow and it's associated processes. Most likely they will looking for certain patterns of input, or injections for other bots, to the ram and based on that they can, within a certain error, conclude that you were botting. No one knows for sure exactly what they are looking at but from what I have seen is a lot of people using GB2 are getting hit. We will see at time goes on but it will always remain that the best way to gather bot is to make your own profiles.
Bear in mind that future violations against our policies may lead to further actions up to and including permanent closure of the license.

While the suspension is in place, we would recommend taking a moment to review the policies in the game at https://battle.net/support/article/100644

This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use (Blizzard Entertainment: World of Warcraft Terms of Use) and our In-game Policies (http://eu.battle.net/support/article/100644), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing World of Warcraft. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

"Bear" in mind? Nice.....
How come Honorbuddy arent doing something, Seeing ppl getting banned and banned every day, Why havent they announced anything new ho tutch longer before ppl are geting really tired of this, me my self lost around 10 accounts over the past month

so, did those 10 accounts get lost the moment you started HB because "warden scans all memory"? OR DID YOU ACTUALLY BOT ON THOSE ACCOUNTS?

tell you what, on your next account start up HB and then DONT DO ANYTHING. no gathering, no BGs, no dungeonbuddy etc. if you get banned then you got a point.

but you wont be, because HB is not detected and warden doesnt scan the windows process list or memory or your HD
The game client may monitor your computer's RAM and/or CPU processes for unauthorized third party programs running concurrently with the game. Is that something new? Does warden now literally scan all your processes looking for third-

The client may monitor or may not!

Its the same as alot IRL situations:

You may steal that bike, or may not.

You may robber that open-door-empty-house or may not.

Blizzard technically CAN monitor your computer's RAM and processes, but they are NOT ALLOWED by the LAW (Outside the Blizzard's programs dedicated memory space in the RAM), simply because that break their clients privacy, which is serious vioulation of I believe tons of Laws and regulations on the both sides of the ocean! You know which ocean I speak of.
Fact: they even monitor your text messages and have pictures of you naked.
yes blizzard can see the processes that are attached to the WOW ID so when HB attaches to wow blizzard can see it but they dont ban people instantly when you activate it. Usually player reports trigger a GM investigation and they see you using HB via processes because at this point there is a reason to scan your ram accessing wow then they ban you.
yes blizzard can see the processes that are attached to the WOW ID so when HB attaches to wow blizzard can see it but they dont ban people instantly when you activate it. Usually player reports trigger a GM investigation and they see you using HB via processes because at this point there is a reason to scan your ram accessing wow then they ban you.

You are wrong here, mate

They have no technical possibility to check or see if, or when HB have attached to this or that account, if they could, a banwave would have been passed long ago, just remember the recent PQR banwave - Every account, used PQR at least once in the last 3-4 months got hit. Even the frozen ones! 510k EU+US accounts in single second, or nearly 10% of their playerbase!

That leave them the only way to "confirm" the botting - by reading the behaviour server side. If you have gathered X resource for Y hours or chainquesting, doing nothing in paralel: No bio brake, no single afk, no whispers, nothing!

Ofc the player reports deliver here big role too!

But again in technical speaking, they cannot prove anything! If they could, the tons of money they throw in the court war with Bossland GMBH would be worthless!
Eaven if they could it wouldn`t be allowed in alot of countries so if they would do it their game would get shut down in those countries.
no it scans processes that have directly attached to WoW and in an offset that's listed in Warden. that and nothing else, that's what the EULA refers to.

^^ This. But the thing is, you have to be reported before they activate warden to scan for 3rd party programs.

I've said it once; I've said it a million times - they just simply don't have it up 100% of the time for all users. It would take far too much bandwidth; manpower and processing power to monitor everyone at the same time. It would eat into their profits way way way too much to do it. If you think about it; if it were up 100% of the time scanning, we'd all be banned by now.
How come Honorbuddy arent doing something, Seeing ppl getting banned and banned every day, Why havent they announced anything new ho tutch longer before ppl are geting really tired of this, me my self lost around 10 accounts over the past month

The ban reports section has maybe 10 new reports a day, IF THAT. That is not even close to the scale of reports you'd see during a banwave. Meaning the bans that are coming in are from unsafe botters. What can the Honorbuddy team realistically do to help mask your botting habits? Nothing. It's up to you to make your automation as stealthy as possible. You were banned because you weren't playing it safe.

If HB was detected, you wouldn't even be able to access the forums due to the sheer number of ban reports that would be coming in. The devs, who probably stake their living on the success of the bot, would prevent access to the bot until the problem was found and fixed.

^^ This. But the thing is, you have to be reported before they activate warden to scan for 3rd party programs.

I've said it once; I've said it a million times - they just simply don't have it up 100% of the time for all users. It would take far too much bandwidth; manpower and processing power to monitor everyone at the same time. It would eat into their profits way way way too much to do it. If you think about it; if it were up 100% of the time scanning, we'd all be banned by now.

QFT. I've always felt safe botting my one account for 6 hrs a day, with breaks, because I know there is no way in hell they're monitoring every single live player. I think Warden is probably active all the time for everyone, because it runs client-side, but for more sophisticated investigations they require manual attention from presumably a GM or other administrator capable of doing a thorough investigation. Hence why LCP detection, while quite the terrifying idea for a botter, isn't intimidating to me.
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It only scans processes that are attached to wow, in other words its easier to detect fully injected programs such as hacks and they can directly monitor your addons anyway. Honorbuddy does not fully inject into wow so its more difficult for blizzard to detect it also there are safety measures in honorbuddy called tripwires that are set off if it thinks its detected.
It only scans processes that are attached to wow, in other words its easier to detect fully injected programs such as hacks and they can directly monitor your addons anyway. Honorbuddy does not fully inject into wow so its more difficult for blizzard to detect it also there are safety measures in honorbuddy called tripwires that are set off if it thinks its detected.

Stated perfectly. :)