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[Videos] Multi-Botting with Honorbuddy. Setup / Tips and Tricks!


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
Video #1
Creating a Team & Levels 1-15

Video #2
Setting up Dungeon Buddy

Video #3
Levels 15-90, Tips/ Tricks and What you need to know.
The Achievements.
The Level 80 Welfare Gear Vendor.
The Plugins and Profile.
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Moved OUT of the guides section, you can post comments now (like i originally intended, but failed at!)
on video 2 is it intentional that the buddy windows disappears and you continue talking about dungeonbuddy settings even though we don't see it? at around 3:10mins in video 2
One word on multiple teams. Set up the toons on the accounts to be able to mix and match if on the same server. For instance say you have 5 toons on each account set up in dungeon and raiding config. My prefferred mix is a tank, a healer and 3 DPS. Make sure there is a tank and healer on each account. That way you can experiment with different teams or do scenarios fairly easily.

I make a party every time no matter what. The RAF will be intermittent as each toon goes about questing. Its fun to watch as they gather at the same quest or compete for resources on that quest. One advantage to making a party is all toons get cred for kill quests they are concurrently on. The beginning quests especially. Of course if you have different races then this wont kick in until level 5. Remember being in a party costs nothing. But if you do party up remember to put the loot on free for all as any other loot method will eventually screw the toon up.

Having 5 instances of WOW slows my comp down and my video card wont handle 30 fps for 5 instances. So I set only my main screen at 30 and the others less than 15.

A very handy accessory is a program for multiboxing that transmits a keypress across all instances of WOW. It can help you keep them together when you need it. Takes a lot of effort to make the macros but its worth it.
on video 2 is it intentional that the buddy windows disappears and you continue talking about dungeonbuddy settings even though we don't see it? at around 3:10mins in video 2
yes, i screwed up in post and lost the last bit of footage, and didnt want to reset everything up, i felt it wasn't needed since everything i talked about i showed exactly where previously.
that gets to be pretty expensive I assume right? 5 copies of wow, 5 copies of HB... around $500 ?
that gets to be pretty expensive I assume right? 5 copies of wow, 5 copies of HB... around $500 ?
its about how much you can buy the keys for. there was a sale for a while for the battlechest for $10, so $50 at that point for 5 accounts and 1 month of game time, after that you would just need to buy game cards, so for another month thats $75, but you get a free month of gametime with the refer a friend, so 3 months plus accounts would be $125. that wouldnt be bad if you wanted to play with some friends and do lans, but didnt they didnt have accounts. fill all 5 accounts with characters. in the first month, then you should be fine to do whatever you want to do even if you split them up.
Quick Question that I haven't quite figured out yet. What software is best to allow split screens?
I've used ISBoxer and I love the ability to click through all of my screens while still seeing all of them.
I've recently tried a 5 man group and it isn't bad (aside from the frankly awful guild dungeon experience while leveling in relation to questing), but I still don't have a solution for viewing all 5 screens simultaneously. This would be really helpful as I wouldn't need to tab or scroll through my WoW windows to see if any of them are currently being chatted with in /say.

In case I am not making sense to you, I am referring to something like this:

Edit: I know that I can reduce the windows; I was just wondering if there is some software like ISboxer that will let me click on one of the reduced screens that will cause it to fullscreen that one immediately
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well i was using OBS to record the footage, whats nice is you can arrange the windows however you want. so while i cant interact, at least i could see everything thats happening.
hey CodenameG do you have a written guide for using multi-bot?
Shat the bots will work in a dungeon with just HB running in each toon. Just party them, set up the Dungeonbuddy, which takes some work, it takes me about 1 or 2 minutes to set each toon up. Setup is important as is setting the bot windows in a good place on your screen. I prefer two screens as it makes it easy and readable. Once the bot is setup then you dont have to reset it, unless of course your toons and teams change. It gets complicated and I have some documents with my toons and some of the common teams I use. I have 6 accounts each with 10/15 toons spread across 6 realms, so make yourself a guide and some toon teams you can copy as it makes switching teams easier.

After you setup the toons just click on dungeon finder and enter as party and HB does the rest. It takes a bit of time for DB to figure out what to do but it works.

I use pwnboxer for multibox control. It has window switching and more. It has easy screen placement and a function that magnifies a small part of the screen I have my 24" monitor showing window 1 and 4 other small windows on mon2. Any window can switch with the main window on a specified key.

Also I keep track of each toon's skills in a database and what daily research they can do. Need to make a profile that does the daily stuff automatically.
Thanks for the guide

one question tho. how do you set up your graphic settings as low as they are in your video? i have the lowest settings and mine doesnt look as low as yours.
i know how to do this but evrytime i touch automate im getting a ban afther a few days how many hours you let honorbuddy run in instances maybe i do it to long i always did like 8 hours aday or more also are u on an active server or a dead one?
Hello is it possible to be set crossrealms group got 1/3/1 first and last are , tank and healer ,when they finish instance tank leave team and cant find other accounts to invite them because they are in other realm?
Is there a way to get a 5team up running with HBRelog so i don't have to spend 30min every time i want them to run?