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Value of Currency in Star Wars: The Old Republic

Do you feel that the value of currency in SWTOR will match that of Vanilla WoW?

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  • Hard to tell

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New Member
Jun 6, 2011
This thread isn't to speculate about the date or the release of the bot for SWTOR.

Im just curious if you guys think that the value of currency from botting in SWTOR will be that much better than selling Gold in WoW. In vanillia WoW Gold went for about 15$ per 1k gold. Do you think we might see values like this in SWTOR or do you feel that it will be around the current WoW gold value of 1$ per 1k gold since botting is well known now and easier to obtain that it was during time of Vanilla WoW
it will be high at first then drop like a rock after a month when everyone quits to go back to wow. Flooded markets are not good and that is what star wars is. new game with All the botters going there. Instant crash in the market. Good game.
10 years from now no game will produce money. there is soooo many new botters expecting to make this there carreer job. wont last for many years more.
it will be high at first then drop like a rock after a month when everyone quits to go back to wow. Flooded markets are not good and that is what star wars is. new game with All the botters going there. Instant crash in the market. Good game.
why would they go back to wow nothing new till next year or 2
10k is easy im lvl 10 sith warrior and have 6.5k and havent even tried just done quests
Credits are super easy to get problem is that things cost a ton more. The best I can tell 10k credits is about 1k WOW gold.
You also have to see that stwor needs a lot more ram and cpu than wow so you will likely be able to run about half of the bots you have currently in wow
Yea but blizzard are fucking around to much with accounts nowadays. how RISK is selling Gold on SWTOR?
I havent sold anything yet...But from other Friends who have they said its done by mailing the amount to the other person.......This isnt 100% confirmed so dont go crazy if im wrong,,,,,
Very hard to say, botting is way more popular and everyone wants to get into it, this isn't like wow vanilla where it was so much more underground, but there's some exciting games coming out in the next 6-9 months for virtual currency potential so we'll have to see if it lasts it out.
I honestly don't think swtor is another rift for instance though, look at the developers making it and look at all the money pouring into it, PLUS it's star wars, it'll attract the biggest needs on earth, pretty sure they will pay big bucks to get to the top.
ok i ll u a tip to make easy credit ...during pvp battleground.

1) u buy a pvp case for 30 marks. in the Bg itself
2) u sell this pvp case to the same vendor for 1200 credit.
3) u try to buy one case again but doesnt work....That s the magical part here.
4) Sell some random stuff to the same vendor (something like 9 should be ok) ...the case u sell him before ll disapear for the buyback list.
5) buyback ur 9 items (same price the u sold it before)
6) now u can buy again a pvp case for 30 marks
7) rince and repeat !!

U win from 60 to 84 marks per bgs ....u should be able to make 1200 to 4800 credit per bg just by doing this before every bgs start.


FYI i ve make 280 Euros for now since the begining of the game. I just make a new BH on a server where demande is high...rush to 10. Then make a first BG to have some marks to exchange and then i dont leave BG until my order is complete.
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ok i ll u a tip to make easy credit ...during pvp battleground.

1) u buy a pvp case for 30 marks. in the Bg itself
2) u sell this pvp case to the same vendor for 1200 credit.
3) u try to buy one case again but doesnt work....That s the magical part here.
4) Sell some random stuff to the same vendor (something like 9 should be ok) ...the case u sell him before ll disapear for the buyback list.
5) buyback ur 9 items (same price the u sold it before)
6) now u can buy again a pvp case for 30 marks
7) rince and repeat !!

U win from 60 to 84 marks per bgs ....u should be able to make 1200 to 4800 credit per bg just by doing this before every bgs start.


FYI i ve make 280 Euros for now since the begining of the game. I just make a new BH on a server where demande is high...rush to 10. Then make a first BG to have some marks to exchange and then i dont leave BG until my order is complete.

tempted to try this out