<While Condition="((HasQuest(28351)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(28351)))" >
<CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="28351" MobId="51217" ItemId="67232" MobHpPercentLeft="30" MaxRange="5" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" CollectionDistance="200" X="-9112.144" Y="680.4509" Z="182.0577" />
<While Condition="((HasQuest(28352)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(28352)))" >
<CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="28352" MobId="51193" ItemId="67241" MobHpPercentLeft="20" MaxRange="5" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" CollectionDistance="200" X="-9112.144" Y="680.4509" Z="182.0577" />
I'm stuck on this quest, it kills the mob before it ever uses the item, think this might be a problem with the QB not playing nice with singular, any ideas on how to get around this problem?