- use 1 WOW installation folder and start WOW exe twice each time login with different user (WOW settings are shared than you cant have separate settings in this way)
Or you can just open them both and change the settings on one. Works fine.
First Macro:
/console m2Faster 1
/console ffx 0
/console hwPCF 1
/console shadowlod 0
/console timingmethod 1
/console showshadow 0
/console showfootprints 0
/console showfootprintparticles 0
Second Macro:
/console overridefarclip 0
/console farclip 177
/console horizonfarclip 1305
/console detailDoodadAlpha 0
/console groundeffectdensity 16
Third Macro:
/console groundeffectdist 1
/console smallcull 1
/console skycloudlod 1
/console characterAmbient 1
/console extshadowquality 0
/console environmentDetail 0.5