title says it all,
bot used Coin on second turn, just to use hero ability and end with 1 mana left over
bot used Coin on second turn, just to use hero ability and end with 1 mana left over
[03:56:04.791 N] Hearthbuddy 0.2.390.73 starting.
[03:56:05.132 N] Attempting to log in...
[03:56:28.062 N] H: 77296673
[03:56:28.275 N] Login successful!
[03:56:28.395 N] Hearthbuddy 0.2.390.73 starting...
[03:56:28.398 N] CPU Architecture: x64
[03:56:28.398 N] Process Architecture: x86
[03:56:28.398 N] OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[03:56:28.398 N] .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.1
[03:56:28.398 N] CPU Cores: 2
[03:56:28.398 N] Application Path: C:\Hearthbuddy
[03:56:28.401 N] Checking for updates...
[03:56:28.876 N] Hearthbuddy is up to date!
[03:56:28.880 N] Initializing Triton...
[03:56:29.466 D] Attaching to Hearthstone with PID 0000
[03:56:30.324 D] Initializing Mapping system.
[03:56:30.364 D] Initializing hooks.
[03:56:30.404 D] Attached to process 0000
[03:56:30.404 D] Initialized!
[03:56:38.268 N] Starting the bot!
[03:56:40.122 N] Starting ranked game using deck with ID 00000000.
[03:57:30.730 N] Selecting starting hand..
[03:57:38.200 N] Selected my starting hand!
[03:57:53.809 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
[03:57:53.871 N] Should we play coin ? There will be 1 cards avaible once coin played
[03:57:53.880 N] Priority of card Snipe is : Low
[03:57:53.881 N] Card The Coin must be ignored
[03:57:58.826 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
[03:57:58.873 N] Should we play coin ? There will be 1 cards avaible once coin played
[03:57:58.876 N] Priority of card Snipe is : Low
[03:57:58.876 N] Card The Coin must be ignored
[03:58:02.823 N] Ending turn.
[03:58:02.823 N] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[03:58:21.058 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
[03:58:21.089 N] Card Snipe has a low priority
[03:58:21.126 N] Should we play coin ? There will be 3 cards avaible once coin played
[03:58:21.129 N] Priority of card Demolisher is : Normal
[03:58:21.129 N] Priority is at least normal & we dont have other cards with this priority => play coin to use it
[03:58:21.130 N] Card The Coin has an ULTRA priority!
[03:58:21.222 N] Grabbing card: The Coin
[03:58:22.393 N] Dropping currently held card!
[03:58:26.919 N] Card Steady Shot has a very low priority
[03:58:27.274 N] Grabbing card: Steady Shot
[03:58:28.433 N] Dropping currently held card!
[03:58:33.358 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
[03:58:42.704 N] Ending turn.
[03:58:42.704 N] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[03:58:56.053 N] Bot has stopped.