Hi ppsl,
Any1 can build plugin for using XP boost and stims?
Im not coder but i think is simple. U can use OpenBox plugin as base and part of Joe routine:
1. Check items in inventory with name contains "Boost" and "Stim"
2. Check buffs on char with name contains "Boost" and "Stim"
3. Use or not items.
Any1 can build plugin for using XP boost and stims?
Im not coder but i think is simple. U can use OpenBox plugin as base and part of Joe routine:
1. Check items in inventory with name contains "Boost" and "Stim"
2. Check buffs on char with name contains "Boost" and "Stim"
3. Use or not items.
public static void CheckForXPBoost()
if (!UseXPBoosters) return;
bool XPBuffed = false;
TorItem tiu = null;
using ((UseFramelocks ? BuddyTor.Memory.AcquireFrame() : null))
foreach (TorEffect te in Me.Buffs) if (te.Name.Contains("Experience Boost")) { XPBuffed = true; break; }
if (!XPBuffed && Me.Level<55)
foreach (TorItem ti in Me.InventoryEquipment)
if (ti.Name.Contains("Experience Boost"))
tiu = ti;
if (tiu!=null) Logger.Write("XP Booster [" + tiu.Name + "] found in inventory and used.");