Pokefarmer bot is bugged with the "Use CP base pokeball stratgey". For example, you set to use pokeball min 1 cp, then greatball 700cp, then ultra ball 1500cp. Well, once you run out of regular pokeballs and only have great balls and ultra balls left, any pokemon UNDER 700cp (setting for greatball) will be thrown Ultra balls at only. It skips using great balls for anything under 700cp (or whatever setting you set to use your great balls at). PLEASE FIX THIS BUG! all my ultra balls are being used on 100cp weedles while I have no pokeball in my inventory, BUT my greatballs are still there! If you have no pokeballs left it should automatically use Greatballs on the low cp pokemon instead of my ultraball! I set my ultra ball to 0cp and it still uses ultra balls. I set it to 2000cp and it still uses my ultra balls once my regular pokeballs run out. BUG BUG BUG BUG!