idea: add a pop-up when pressing the 'start' button that says 'bot currently outdated, botting will most likely result in a ban' with two options which say 'ok I understand, cancel my login' and 'I don't care, I will risk my account'. former closes the login, latter gives access to the login screen to start the bot. Instead of dictating that people can not use what they paid for, give them the option to take the risk. anything less is fascism (which despite my avatar, I look down upon).
e\ I should also mention that from this post it seems as though your viewpoint is based around your users being imbeciles who lack even the most basic grammatical knowledge. Granted while I'm sure that is not the case all the time and even though your post has errors, perhaps if you saw your users in something of a more positive light it would add light to the world around you. I for one do not enjoy seeing mods talk down to the people they are supposed to be helping, in any format - be that directly or as is the case here, indirectly.
I understand the message of your 2 point post, however so far, we have never implemented running the bot unsafe, as all it does is give niantic easier ways to detect us, when using out of date API's. We strongly advise against it, as its not a matter of someone being unable to use the bot, but a matter of, how much more is given away. That said, we
STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINST IT however one can disable tripwire in the if you do this, you will not be stopped when an update comes out, and your accounts will have a 100% increased chance of detection.. Again we
STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINST IT but you are free to do so. This MAY impact your time refunded though, and we assume ZERO liability should you choose this method.
As for part two, I can respect your position, however being on both sides of the fence, it's a bit easier for me to see the point I am making on this. We have given soft ETA's before, and as mentioned in my previous post, people rant and rave and "riot" if the soft ETA isn't met. Also, just because people want and ETA, doesn't mean we have one to give... It's difficult yes, but its the truth of the matter.
I have always tried to speak to the users in a positive manner, however after being insulted, and attacked, by the very people who claimed to understand what an ETA means, and then blame me and attack me personally, its a bit difficult to sympathize with that point. On top of that, I do not have that information at hand, I am limited on what I am allowed to say, before an official statement is given by someone above me, but I have ALWAYS tried to give the community information as soon as I have it and am able to, I cannot be held liable, if the community plain out just doesn't like the answers. There comes a point where the staff here, tire of the abuse, and I know at times I have, but we are still here, because there are still reasonable, and respectful people, who come to us, like you and many others. I have stated many times before, I am here to help the community, I am not a part of the core bossland team, but I do my part, because I do care about you all. Please keep in mind, many of our "support" are unpaid, and just volunteers. Many of the people who get alot of flak (not speaking of me in that instance).
I really hope this helps.