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Unmerged wow account banned


Aug 16, 2010
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? GB2

2)If so, when was the last time?: 15 min ago

3)What profile were you using?: Zuabro's whiptail only

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Default paladin

5)What plugins are you using?: none

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: ~12

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 20%

7)How many auctions per day did you have?: none

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? no

9)Was your account involved in gold selling? no

10)EU or US realm? Eu

I bought this unmerged wow account for 45k gold and scrolled it.
I also bought 1 month Raf time for 10k gold.
The account is 9 days old only.
Blizzard bans me a lot now, I have no accounts left except my main that is clean.
1diablo account and 3 wow accounts banned in 1 month...
Why all bans at one time? Do they controll my Ip?
I would have to say, when you use an unmerged account, wait a week or 2, since they watch them, then start botting
I would have to say, when you use an unmerged account, wait a week or 2, since they watch them, then start botting

There is no possible way that you can know that and HenkaN75 try keeping it to 4 hours a day if you dont want to leave the same spot. You can bot for more hours if you go back to a city then port somewhere else but never stay on the same spot for too long its too risky
Sorry to kind of hijack but i have an acc that was sor like 3 months ago im considering buying it membership just to bot on it, and precautions i should take
i run 9 unmerged accounts now since over a month. i dont think they are watching them. i got 1 account banned, and this account is using the same profiles as the other 8 accounts.
when you merge an account, an email will be send to your battlenet adress, and also to the riginal owner email adress, that was used to create the account.
sometimes i believe, that those really fast bans are caused by the original owners who got the email, and stop the whole thing. but thats just my thinking. maybe worthless
how come blizz banns mine 5 sor account 3 days after i merge them? said that the account is compromised and need fill out recovery form. didn't even sor it.
Eplaner didn't you put some of those on bnet accounts that already had banned game accounts on them?
But if u state your theory emphatically with profanity people will think its a fact unless they know better. If they know you are making claims beyond your knowledge then they tend to say BULLSSHIT!
4 SoR accounts so far, got them maybe 3 months ago, leveled to 85 on all of them with herbing and mining in a 48+ (no sleep) period, sold the 1000s of stacks in AH on all accounts, and then let them rest for a day each. Then left them bot daily 12 hours+ since and now 2 of them 90 from bg's.

No ban, No questions.

So why some get's banned instantly, and mine all fine, all of them where chinese language/accounts, 2 with only the initial "free month" time on, so I assume used for selling G back in the day, but working fine now. Wish I knew the secrets to the way the blizz works sometimes, baffles me, gives me a headache, am going bed.

I guess the answer to your question is...no one will ever know why this has happened to you, but the blizz man himself.
Sor accounts are shit and they are monitored

They never use to be, I was a reseller of unmerged SOR accounts.
This is what my provider of the accounts told me:

tell this to ur buyer before they buy the account
Take Important Note!!! (Buyer Must Read) :

?Before merge it to battle.net you can login old wow acc management to confirm its a valid acc or change password:
?US wow acc: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/account
?EU wow acc: http://www.wow-europe.com/account/
?Remember not to active the acc before you got SOR worked or you can?t get the rewards.
?Once you confirmed and merged the account or when you get banned for using BOTS, BUY&TRADE GOLD or other unlegit action i dont offer any kind of payment Dispute/Refund.

Unmerged Account Disclaimer & Suggest
?If you want to use the account to play normal , plz merge the account to your current battle.net so you can transfer the lvl 80 char to your own wow1 or other wow accounts . this way is 99% safe , and you will pay 20?/25$ to blizzard for the transfer fee, but you only need pay 1 account game time in furture , so its safe and save ways .
?If you are buying a lot for gold trading ,farming ,botting or other items transfering .they might easy get catched and banned (depends if you have good IP or blizzard catch)!
?We are offer SOR unmerged wow accounts (We are only able to provide log-in information.These accounts hold a clear history background and have never been suspended), and the whole blackmarket trade is against blizzard's rules ,so whatever happen in furture we dont hold any responsiblity after you merge the accounts .
They never use to be, I was a reseller of unmerged SOR accounts.
This is what my provider of the accounts told me:

tell this to ur buyer before they buy the account
Take Important Note!!! (Buyer Must Read) :

I bought 3 unmerged accounts for 200k , then bought other 2 collector edition accounts ( spent 400k ) and attached to my MAIN bnet account , 2-3 days later all got banned asking for ID ect . I even used the REAL BNET name and sent my ID , but they dont unban since they say the name is diferent of account name , this is waste of gold those accounts from what i have been reading around all got banned pretty quick

•Before merge it to battle.net you can login old wow acc management to confirm its a valid acc or change password:
•US wow acc: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/account
•EU wow acc: http://www.wow-europe.com/account/
•Remember not to active the acc before you got SOR worked or you can’t get the rewards.
•Once you confirmed and merged the account or when you get banned for using BOTS, BUY&TRADE GOLD or other unlegit action i dont offer any kind of payment Dispute/Refund.

Unmerged Account Disclaimer & Suggest
•If you want to use the account to play normal , plz merge the account to your current battle.net so you can transfer the lvl 80 char to your own wow1 or other wow accounts . this way is 99% safe , and you will pay 20€/25$ to blizzard for the transfer fee, but you only need pay 1 account game time in furture , so its safe and save ways .
•If you are buying a lot for gold trading ,farming ,botting or other items transfering .they might easy get catched and banned (depends if you have good IP or blizzard catch)!
•We are offer SOR unmerged wow accounts (We are only able to provide log-in information.These accounts hold a clear history background and have never been suspended), and the whole blackmarket trade is against blizzard's rules ,so whatever happen in furture we dont hold any responsiblity after you merge the accounts .

I bought 3 unmerged accounts for 200k , then bought other 2 collector edition accounts ( spent 400k ) and attached to my MAIN bnet account , 2-3 days later all got banned asking for ID ect . I even used the REAL BNET name and sent my ID , but they dont unban since they say the name is diferent of account name , this is waste of gold those accounts from what i have been reading around all got banned pretty quick
i recently bought 2 sor (1 after the other, when first got ban)

first one i was lvling over night with arch thought i got reported, ban 3days after merge..
second i did quests only i watched it no stucks or anything ban that same day. to quick for a report (tickets take 2+ days to get read by a GM)

40$ gone, i quit.

buying 45$ accounts from bliz and leveling lol
I bought 3 unmerged accounts for 200k , then bought other 2 collector edition accounts ( spent 400k ) and attached to my MAIN bnet account , 2-3 days later all got banned asking for ID ect . I even used the REAL BNET name and sent my ID , but they dont unban since they say the name is diferent of account name , this is waste of gold those accounts from what i have been reading around all got banned pretty quick

Did they also ban your main account on the battle.net, or just the new SoR/CE ones?

Thanks you for the info :)
I bought 3 unmerged accounts for 200k , then bought other 2 collector edition accounts ( spent 400k ) and attached to my MAIN bnet account , 2-3 days later all got banned asking for ID ect . I even used the REAL BNET name and sent my ID , but they dont unban since they say the name is diferent of account name , this is waste of gold those accounts from what i have been reading around all got banned pretty quick

Must be a EU thing or something... the SAME exact thing happen to me, except... I did not merge them to the same B.Net account- I made 5 NEW B.Net accounts- used my name and wifey name (which of course, did not match original names at all...) and then ALL the accounts were banned the same day and time (BEFORE applying SOR). I put in a ticket asked WTF? They said they required verification of ID, so I sent them our IDs to match that of the NEW B.Net accounts... 24-36 hours later, all the accounts were unbanned... This was 7 months ago and they all still work flawlessly.

So... initial ban on a "unmerged account" merged into a B.Net account is probably and more than likely automated... secondly- unless they recently changed their policy and backend programming it shouldn't matter what the name was on the previous unmerged account... I say this, only because I purchased another unmerged account about 1 week before MoP was released and it has not ever been banned... still works like a champ.
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The most likly go f?r Hostnames not IPs.. thats why i use allways a hostname like fuckubilzzard