Hey guys,
from reading around, it appears Unknown6 ( or Known6 now) sends detailed information from your device, position, movement, rotation, acceleration, etc. to the Niantic server.
It appears, that any bot not sending proper information with Unknown6 can be easily flagged as a bot, just due to the nature of this information being missing. Regardless of when the bot settings themselves are set to human like, i.e. random walk speed, alternating altitude, bad throws, etc.
Does PokeFarmer send this information?
Here's a reddit about it:
Unknown6, and why you got that ban: : pokemongodev
from reading around, it appears Unknown6 ( or Known6 now) sends detailed information from your device, position, movement, rotation, acceleration, etc. to the Niantic server.
It appears, that any bot not sending proper information with Unknown6 can be easily flagged as a bot, just due to the nature of this information being missing. Regardless of when the bot settings themselves are set to human like, i.e. random walk speed, alternating altitude, bad throws, etc.
Does PokeFarmer send this information?
Here's a reddit about it:
Unknown6, and why you got that ban: : pokemongodev