I got 4 characters played it smart , never moved a location , gave breaks etc. And the result of course for everybody ban (one day) . If... If you stop botting at 30-32 then you dont need to worry about ban.I've noticed that my friends and I all of our characters were banned around 30-32.It may be sounds ridiculous but I think the anti-cheat system manually follows botters above 30 level. Hope you good luck , best wishes.
Note: Those of you who say its not enough my strategy is just transfering pokemons and keeping lucky eggs lures etc till I get 30 , I never use them or never evolve.Because it will be need when you stop botting (if you dont wanna get banned)
By the way If Im talking wrong any of you who knows this situation , Im open ears.
Note: Those of you who say its not enough my strategy is just transfering pokemons and keeping lucky eggs lures etc till I get 30 , I never use them or never evolve.Because it will be need when you stop botting (if you dont wanna get banned)
By the way If Im talking wrong any of you who knows this situation , Im open ears.