man.. ever had one of those days...
I took a break last night from botting... So this morning, I wake up and think oh shit i got school so i got up, got ready, and decided to start my bots up before I left. They were all running good.. then i realize its friday and yesterday was my last day of classes and finals are not til NEXT week. So i say fuck it and go back to bed. I wake up to find one toon just sitting there with no errors on HB. Another toon dieing cause all it will do is do a normal attack (no abilities).. and another one running just fine.
After trying to simply restart HB, the first one worked for about 3 min and the second one kept the same issue.. so i figure a memory glitch on my system so i reboot... and start all them over.. SAME problem. So i wipe out my HB installs for 1 and 2 and then copy from 3. NOW they work good.
I get the feeling its going to be ONE OF THOSE DAYS!!@@#!#
Anyways... hope you all have agood friday
I took a break last night from botting... So this morning, I wake up and think oh shit i got school so i got up, got ready, and decided to start my bots up before I left. They were all running good.. then i realize its friday and yesterday was my last day of classes and finals are not til NEXT week. So i say fuck it and go back to bed. I wake up to find one toon just sitting there with no errors on HB. Another toon dieing cause all it will do is do a normal attack (no abilities).. and another one running just fine.
After trying to simply restart HB, the first one worked for about 3 min and the second one kept the same issue.. so i figure a memory glitch on my system so i reboot... and start all them over.. SAME problem. So i wipe out my HB installs for 1 and 2 and then copy from 3. NOW they work good.
I get the feeling its going to be ONE OF THOSE DAYS!!@@#!#
Anyways... hope you all have agood friday