Do my 3 bots get banned because they run on the same IP Adress ?
We have to make precise distinctions.
A. My bots just run here
B. My bots just run here but one of them got flagged ( of course you cant know that )
C. My bots my bots
For A & B & C there is no proven IP related BAN - i have not seen one in over 500 bans.
But there is for sure an MAC related ban.
Simulation of an situation i had:
64 Bots running - ban -->> 45 banned. What happened ?
Actually if it comes to an investigation ( means an Admin involved ) and the admin looks into the flagged account, he can fur sure look if on that MAC are running another sessions, and he will kill all of them which still run.
So if an Bot was disconnected in this time - it will be save ! This happened tons of times to me.
For more information, i do had the same computers with the same MAC address for over 2 years, there is neither an IP ban nor an permanent MAC ban. On nearly each ban wave i had survivors, either the whole computer with 8 accounts, as there none of them was flagged, or the accounts which where disconnected the time where the admin looked over the flagged toon.
What is the conclusion from that ?
* IP address does not get banned.
* MAC does not get banned, but is used to kill as many bots as possible.
* Using as many bots as possible on just one machine increases the risk of being banned a lot more than using your accounts spread over more computers
You don't think so ? Prove it!