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Twilight Jasmine Major Problem ):


Jun 27, 2011
I have been running this profile in Twilight Highland;

And it has been running really smooth, and even tho I have disabled the mining in the bot config, this is what I get...

[Gatherbuddy2]: Gatherbuddy has been running for 23h 54m 38s. Collected a total of 334 nodes.
[Gatherbuddy2]: Cinderbloom: 47
[Gatherbuddy2]: Twilight Jasmine: 287

like rly? and it is only 4 ppl in Twilight Highlands (alliance, cant check horde.)

have anyone had same problem? is there any quests I have to do to get into another phase or something? because this is retarded, they sell for 120g on AH, with this speed i wouldnt even sell them for less then 120g each. takes eternity.

Thank you..
Some people say that the more people in a zone=more nodes spawning faster, to fulfill the number of people in the zone. :o. But again I don't think this can be proven, 100%. On a Full server, I can get an entire guild bank tab of stacks of jasmine using Multiprofile in PB. , and take note to what I said above about spawn ratings. As far as I know there shouldn't be any phasing problems in TH. Uldum is bad about that with fishing. Might want to check CC, make sure you aren't dieing, are you on a PvP server? maybe you got ganked for hours.
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Some people say that the more people in a zone=more nodes spawning faster, to fulfill the number of people in the zone. :o. But again I don't think this can be proven, 100%. On a Full server, I can get an entire guild bank tab of stacks of jasmine using Multiprofile in PB. , and take note to what I said above about spawn ratings. As far as I know there shouldn't be any phasing problems in TH. Uldum is bad about that with fishing. Might want to check CC, make sure you aren't dieing, are you on a PvP server? maybe you got ganked for hours.

I watched him for 1-2 hours, some huge profiles i used earlier made him "stop" and "go" all the time, like glitching forward, wich made me think that was the issue, but the profile im using at the moment doesnt have that issue, he moves really smooth and he doesnt die, im on a pve realm, im using singular cc atm as a feral druid, decent geared aswell, killing mobs on few seconds. its just no herbs to pick lol.. and i checked the reports from the profile in the thread and they all seem to get decent numbers, unless there is like 15 tauren druids herbing this area something seems messed up with phasing or something..
Jasmine is always low, no matter which profile you use. I never fill up my bags in 4/5 hour farm sessions.

You can try Tony's Jasmine profile, but I doubt you see any major improvement in loot amounts.
Jasmine is always low, no matter which profile you use. I never fill up my bags in 4/5 hour farm sessions.

You can try Tony's Jasmine profile, but I doubt you see any major improvement in loot amounts.

ye well.. half a bag in 24 hours is way too low,
It says 287 nodes? which your probs got 3-4 from which is like 800-1000 herbs?
I get about 15 -20 stacks an hour in the late evenings. You are asking to be banned if you are really running a gathering bot for 23hour straight.