rekt.i paid 150$ for this plugin
What can i say...hope is not mine stolen![]()
Um. Ok.Well, not everyone is in closed circle that shares projects with each other and the only ways to get the stuff done is to write it by yourself or pay someone to make it.
It's not funny that noone's shared it to public and is laughing at others for not having it. Especially with community developer title. You either share the stuff or not talk about it in public. I don't want you to publish it to the plebs, just dont make fun at others.
Um. Ok.
Everything is there in the API, we put the time to figure things out, you expect us to just give it to you. And that's it. We will give what we deem we should give, why should I do what you want? You put zero effort and expect to be fed, notice how we help out those who put in effort? Oh wait, you're too busy wanting this and that, without needing to do anything.
The forum has everything a monkey needs to get started, just no one puts in the effort to start. We're not magicians, we just work harder then you.
lol, we just think it's funny that you paid 150$ for a plugin, that's all.
Dev's are making fun of regular botters, it's not right and I'm trying to cut it, at least by a bit.
i know what you mean. thats also my point of view.
bit harsh climate here from time to time. a bit too much joking.
COMPARED to other forums (DB/HB/...)
but alcor is here to cool down.
i won't rail again at darkbluefirefly or Tony because
a) coding is hard work and everyone here is dependent on it
b) those bastards won't change their style anyway
just help us with the most essential plugins (mapping, questing, item-filters, recipes)
and keep the other tools/guides private if you feel it's too dangerous (stash sorting, currency-switching, relogging, multi-botting)
but there isn't much activity here (compared to other forums)
would only happen if more people see $$ and extreme fun in here. this is going round in circles.
for example: honorbuddy has a nice plugins/CR/profiles shop. from 0$ to 100$
directly via bot GUI.
auto updated plugins
and many more.
lots of work, but lots of potential here for the devs.
Tony hit the nail on the head this time. Alcor and tony have finished so much projects that HB is products are put to shame.Ok let's give light to some people about BuddyStore :
- Basically, the plugin is shipped as a "dll" after approval by the team. What does it means ? it means you can't modify the files yourself, you have to report/suggest and wait.
- They take a HUGE cut on your work (ofc it's legit, they need to keep up the streaming of those products). That means e.g. a QuestBot/QP or AIF would cost around 100$/€ to be worth putting on the store.
- Sometimes they take time to push out updates (not relying on your time, but their approval is required)
The fact we don't share some things is because those are un-polished coding, We can't find the time to keep up (we have jobs & shit to take care of) and fix/fit them to the community needs.
Wanna hear something funny ? I bot on 2 accounts. Why? can't find the time to do the leveling => Why? Need to spend time on coding => Why? Because I have OCDs
When I'm not at work or with family/gf, I'm either playing when I'm in the mood or I just code... Many Many Many Many (did I already said Many ?) hours or coding for in fact a bunch of pennies.
In my head it's like "Hey, let's give them an almost perfect plugin with GUI & shit so they might have any recognition about the work done" sadly it's not the case.
Lately, Alcor have been realllllllyyyyyyy active in the dev group, at a point where I think he lacks of sleep. He's fkn 40yo men, he's wrecking trees all day and how sad it would be to release his stuff there and having people cry about features for all of his awesome bits ! He couldn't even keep up. And the motivation would flow away, because there's no helpful reasons to keep up.
Since most of you don't like the fact we tease people about private stuff, we (mostly some of us) made EB clever/intelligent, an external app is checking heartbeat, plugins communicate between each others, it's like they are human, they can invite each other dynamically to map together, they can trade off items to each others, they can ask anything in the control center and it'll happen (somehow the external app can load profiles dynamically)
And you're missing this, for reasons you'll never understand. But that's a matter of PoV (stop watching porn you little dirty mind)
To come back on the Store point, nobody would use this bot if all essential plugins were sold on it. Why? who would bother spending 300$ on a bot you don't even control properly yet.
// EDIT //
I would still like to thank the people that, donated even 5 bucks because it helps for lot of things, I used the money to buy my dog a collar, to buy some pajamas to gf and such, I don't bot to live, I do it because I'm dumb. (jk, I love coding)
I don't blame anyone for not donating, but for thinking we are sort of "paid" to do this.