Thank you for asking.
Currently I'm really busy supporting 5 Combat Routine. Monk/Paladin/DK/Priest/Hunter x 3 spec take a lot of time. Only when all CR, all spec work perfectly, I'll dare to think about making new.
For me Mage is a fun class to play, I remember back in cata with my private Mage I can rock bg without a healer. Whenever my HP is low, just Spellsteal some Rejuvenation, Power Word: Shield, Riptide...and lol I got full HP back. Also Spellsteal Hand of Protection, Avenging Wrath (which Spellstealable back in Cata) was epic memory
IF I have time to build a Mage CR, I really need someone like xSilverdicex who helped me A LOT on Priest (extensive testing, suggestion, make rotation perfect take a lot of time more than you guy normally think)