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TuanHA Combat Routine News, Update, Question and Answer...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2011
Hi Guys,

This is place to ask about GENERAL question about TuanHA Combat Routines.

Please do not post any Class Specific issue, just GENERAL issue. To prevent class specific issue discussion in more than 1 thread, I will not reply Class Specific issue here. My Apology.


There will be new Combat Routine in the future?
Maybe, Warlords of Draenor will be a long expansion and after all existing Combat Routines working well, I'll think about what I can do. As long as you enjoy my work, I'll keep coding <3

I'm already paid for your Combat Routines, will I get paid Combat Routines on Buddy Store version for Free? How?
TuanHA Combat Routines is now on Buddy Store!
We are actively working on the store migration for existing customers.
In the next few days, there will be Gift Keys for existing customer to claim the Buddy Store verion FREE of charge. The Gift Key will appear next to the download link along with the detail guide. I'll let you know more detail in the next few days.

Will your Combat Routine work with Windows 10?
Yes, the version on BuddyStore will work with Windows 10, however, the SVN version download from my website will not work and they will soon be discontinued and replaced by the version on BuddyStore.

What is the BEST bot base for your Combat Routines?
TuanHA Combat Routines support ALL botbase, you can use it with AFK Botbase (Grindbot, Questing, Dungeonbuddy...) or user control movement botbase (LazyRaider, Enyo, Vitalic Bot...)
For best performance, I recommend LazyRaider or Enyo with Hardlock Enabled, 30 TPS

Can I share my Login Info with my friend/family member?
Yes, as long as you and your friend/family member using the same IP address (play on 2 pc at home for example).
But there's an automatic tracking system that may block your account access it if being used on difference location. (you access from your home and another guys use the same username/password from other location for example)
What if I connect from my home but using VNP? The system will not likely to block you automatically if there's only 1 connection at the same time.

What is the BEST talent/glyph on PvP/PvE?
There's no BEST talent/glyph on PvP, that depend on what your team need, what your playstyle... However you can look for top world PvPer talent/glyph/enchant in PvP Ladders. Just use the filter class/spec you need.

On PvE, SimulationCraft is a very good site for recommended talent/glyph. Just download the file, click Import > Sample Profiles Tab > Select Class/Spec you need.

For example: Select file: Paladin_Retribution_T17H.simc (that mean, profile for Retribution Paladin using T17 gear, Mythic mode)

The first few lines looking like this:
race=draenei (best race is Draenei)
talents=2112333 (number of talent for Retribution Paladin that can be translated to:
2=[Long Arm of the Law] 1=[Fist of Justice] 1=[Selfless Healer] 2=[Unbreakable Spirit] 3=[Divine Purpose] 3=[Execution Sentence] 3=[Final Verdict])
glyphs=winged_vengeance/templars_verdict/righteous_retreat/fire_from_the_heavens/judgment (use any 3 of those glyph)

Can I turn a specific spell off?
Yes, you can turn on/off every single spell that not show in GUI.
For example if you want to turn off Warrior Heroic Strike, 1st make your setting name MySetting.xml then open MySetting.xml using notepad, find <HeroicStrike>True</HeroicStrike> and replace with <HeroicStrike>False</HeroicStrike>

What the new Area of Effect Rotation option mean?
The new Area of Effect Rotation option help you Automatically chose best damage rotation (Auto) or set specific rotation depend on what you need. There are 10 available selection:

  • Auto (Auto count enemy around you and use rotation do best damage - Recommended for PvE)
  • 1 Target (AoE OFF) (Always use Single Target rotation - Recommended to PvP)
  • 2 Target (no matter how many enemies around you, it use rotation do best damage on 2 target)
  • 3 Target (no matter how many enemies around you, it use rotation do best damage on 3 target)
  • 4 Target (no matter how many enemies around you, it use rotation do best damage on 4 target)
  • 5 Target (no matter how many enemies around you, it use rotation do best damage on 5 target)
  • 6 Target (no matter how many enemies around you, it use rotation do best damage on 6 target)
  • 7 Target (no matter how many enemies around you, it use rotation do best damage on 7 target)
  • 8 Target (no matter how many enemies around you, it use rotation do best damage on 8 target)
  • 9+ Target (no matter how many enemies around you, it use rotation do best damage on 9+ target)

Where the old free version, why they are all removed?
The Free version removed due to the new rule by HB
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TuanHA Combat Routines is now on Buddy Store!

Hi guys,

First of all, I would like to thank you for your support. I really appreciate your suggestion, contribution... over the last 3 years to make our product became the best Combat Routine for PvP, PvE, Questing, Leveling, Farming...
We are now migrating existing paid users to Buddy Store, I hope the new streaming from store will make you worry-free about SVN Updating, Installing and there no more Login required!

Please follow the easy steps to Claim your FREE COPY on Buddy Store:


1. Cick the login button. (If you don't know my website, please Google TuanHA... post link on forum is not allowed)


2. Enter your Username and Password.


3.1. If you have the "All Current and Future Combat Routine Package", there will be a Gift Key to claim ALL TuanHA Combat Routine for FREE. Just copy the Gift Key code and click the link in "Get FREE COPY TuanHA..."


3.2. Just copy the Gift Key code and click the link in "Get FREE COPY TuanHA..."


4. The Link redirect you to Buddy Store Just enter your Buddy Store Username and Password.

Please check you use the correct link as follow:

All Combat Routines: http://store.buddyauth.com/Product/ClaimGift
Death-Knight: http://store.buddyauth.com/Product/ClaimGift?productId=3971
Druid: http://store.buddyauth.com/Product/ClaimGift?productId=3981
Hunter: http://store.buddyauth.com/Product/ClaimGift?productId=3991
Monk: http://store.buddyauth.com/Product/ClaimGift?productId=4001
Paladin: http://store.buddyauth.com/Product/ClaimGift?productId=4011
Rogue: http://store.buddyauth.com/Product/ClaimGift?productId=4021
Shaman: http://store.buddyauth.com/Product/ClaimGift?productId=4031
Warrior: http://store.buddyauth.com/Product/ClaimGift?productId=4041


5. Paste the Gift Key and click Claim button


6. Go to https://store.buddyauth.com/Profile and Enable Streaming
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I'll get started with the first question, this isn't class specific but.. when I run honorbuddy and it all loads up ect, I don't get the choice to choose TuanHA in the little white box, it just automatically sets it to Singular, it was working maybe 3 hours ago I don't know what has changed, here is a paste so you get what I mean

Fixed, I didn't read the page fully keep up the good work my brother!

Make sure you SVN Update ALL TuanHA Combat Routines folder. (including which you don't use)
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Paladin healer routine currently only is working if you manually cast beacon of faith on a person, say, the tank, then it fires up. This was fine yesterday, so whatever happened just recently has caused this small bug.
I only rbg and find the healer role to be most fun.
Once you are done fixing the routines for PvP which healing class would you recommend running for RBGs?
Hi tuanha.

None of your CR's work with HB on windows 10. They cause .net errors and crash HB.

Any news on a fix? I'd hate to have to go back to windows 7 just to use a CR when HB works wonderfully on 10.
Hi tuanha.

None of your CR's work with HB on windows 10. They cause .net errors and crash HB.

Any news on a fix? I'd hate to have to go back to windows 7 just to use a CR when HB works wonderfully on 10.
I don't have windows 10 to test and I got no idea.

Also HB officially said they don't support Windows 10 at the moment so I advice to use windows 7/8 for best performance.
Paid CombatRoutine entering Guest mode, not sure if because of update on SVN during the play time...
Is there a way to make your cc attack using mounts in training (stables "mounts").
Both Tuanha Hunter Free and Tuanha Paladin Paid are doing nothing...
Is there a way to make your cc attack using mounts in training (stables "mounts").
Both Tuanha Hunter Free and Tuanha Paladin Paid are doing nothing...
What kind of mount is that? Can you give me a wowhead link?
Hello I have the paid version of the pally routine it will only buff and heal the focus target . it was working very well yesterday untill something changed this morning . it shows up in the routines and logs in fine just wont heal unless i use focus target.

Edit: It does not heal the other party members just the focus target also would like to see about fixing the healing of followers ty
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Paid CombatRoutine entering Guest mode, not sure if because of update on SVN during the play time...
There's a bug in Kick Questing profile it prevent the login process. After starting Questing, there's a pop up message saying "We do not accept bug report..." please close that pop up message to allow CRs to login.
So I have the paid version and my glad warrior seems to not be use execute. Is there something i have to toggle or is this not updated yet?
Hi tuanha I couldn't find this thread as I had access to your last one which got archived and all your single ones for each class have disappeared. I love your routines and have your donor package but it seems after last HB update they have stopped working for me. None of the healing ones work and I cant get the dps ones to work with enyo. Also since the last HB update I now get AVG telling me your specialdll file is a virus and had to put an exception in just to get the routines to load.

Have you seen any issues with the latest build of HB? My HB is working with singular fine so I'm assuming there is a conflict somewhere. If you would like me to post up several logs of said incidents please let me know. Miss using your routines already :)
I don't have windows 10 to test and I got no idea.

Also HB officially said they don't support Windows 10 at the moment so I advice to use windows 7/8 for best performance.

Windows 10 is a free download from microsoft if you have a test system.

+ I know HB doesn't support 10, but it works just fine on 10. Only your CR causes it to crash (.net error with your dll).
What kind of mount is that? Can you give me a wowhead link?

the stables from the garrison has quest were u mount up on these pets they give u. they are random. and u have to kill a mob while riding the mount given to u. i also noticed the routine will not work while on these mounts
whats the provengrounds file that was added? how can i use it if its some sort of custom settings ?
edit, i see no class specific threads. didnt notice that initially...

where to get support for the [PAID] version of the routines then? I donated for all routines back when you have first started.

---original post---

Hey TuanHA some issues with healing atm. I'll give you some detail so you may understand.

WHen I am questing on my Pally and que as a healer I get in the dungeon and switch specs/gear and stop HB and switch to Holy in settings as well as change my defaults again for holy. It detects normally and seems to be ready. I start HB, but it doesn't do much of anything. I will attach a log when I manually cash flash of light a few times to keep tank alive before attemnpting to reload HB and then my client crashes (100% if I close HB while using enyo) even after safely stopping Hb and waiting a few seconds. Log attached. same thing happened to me yesterday. When i used the free version it worked fine.

View attachment 3316 2014-12-01 17.16.txt
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