It would like to know if the program itself detected something suspicious and activated Tripwire or if the Devs activated it after their suspicion something could be wrong. So in other words,are people, who botted just hours ago, "safe" or was the Tripwire activation already too late.
and some Hearthstone beta keys to celebrate 1st tripwire activation in ages!
Happy 13.12
If you are botting that long without ban you are doing something wrong.Omg I botted 5 years and I managed to dodge this wave too. Holy shit I'm lucky.
I managed to dodge like 6-10 banwaves total using glider+honorbuddy. I'm so happy they disabled honorbuddy. I kept 2 days brake and just today was going to bot for few hours and now read this.
If you are botting that long without ban you are doing something wrong.
You should fix thatI smell cow manure a mile away.![]()
You should fix that
If someone have 3 accounts that mean he is farming gold. If anyone farming gold with bot without ban for that long, that mean for me that is not enough gold collected. Every account cost 1k a day for game time. So do math.
You should fix that
If someone have 3 accounts that mean he is farming gold. If anyone farming gold with bot without ban for that long, that mean for me that is not enough gold collected. Every account cost 1k a day for game time. So do math.
Well every botter think that he is botting smart and he is very smart because he wasn't banned before. I mean that is ok. But, like you said, if you anyone start hard on farming gold, every day, there is no chance not get banned. Otherway you are doing something wrong with that farmingThats what I was saying, I think he was talking BS
You cant bot that hard without getting banned. But maybe I am wrong and I hope I am, which means Blizzard is slacking in some odd way.