Okay, so a few months ago, one of my botting accounts was locked, and required an ID, and it was one i made under a false name with no ID for it. So i kept trying to get blizzard to unlock it, and they wanted an id but then i told them this. Hi, a few months ago, my account was hacked, and I was able to get it back. Though after I got it back, and the battle.net account was recovered, My world of Warcraft account still needs to be unlocked, and I went over the account recovery form you showed me. It says that I must send in a picture of myself beside my ID. You see, I can not send you a picture of me, as a Mustaali Islam, it is against my religion, with me being a woman. So around then I gave up since I knew I had to send a picture in, and thought I will never get my world of warcraft account back. A few months later, I thought, that if I explained my current situation, Blizzard could be leniant to me.
Blizz gave it back to me in less than an hour, if the name on the account is a girl, find a religion that a girl cant show her face or something in, and tell them that!
Blizz gave it back to me in less than an hour, if the name on the account is a girl, find a religion that a girl cant show her face or something in, and tell them that!