I reported this earlier for v1.0.99 and v1.0.100. I just downloaded the latest update and the problem is still there. Here's a sample from the log file. I opened the My Pokemon window, checked of a 4-5 pokemon, and then clicked the Transfer button. You'll see the "Enqueing" msg in the log below, but it never transferred the pokemon.
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:51:09]</font></b> Last network request failed. (Pokemon Server issue) Trying again.
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:51:09]</font></b> Last network request failed. (Pokemon Server issue) Trying again.
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:51:10]</font></b> Last network request failed. (Pokemon Server issue) Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:52:05]</font></b> Enqueuing user action to Pokefarmer.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:52:13]</font></b> Looting <font color="#0094FF"><b>By a Thread</b></font>
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:52:13]</font></b> Received <font color="#0094FF"><b>50 EXP</b></font>.
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:52:14]</font></b> Last network request failed. (Pokemon Server issue) Trying again.
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:52:15]</font></b> Last network request failed. (Pokemon Server issue) Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:53:05]</font></b> Looting <font color="#0094FF"><b>Smoking Pillars</b></font>
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:53:05]</font></b> Received <font color="#0094FF"><b>50 EXP</b></font>.
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:53:06]</font></b> Last network request failed. (Pokemon Server issue) Trying again.
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:53:07]</font></b> Last network request failed. (Pokemon Server issue) Trying again.
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:51:09]</font></b> Last network request failed. (Pokemon Server issue) Trying again.
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:51:09]</font></b> Last network request failed. (Pokemon Server issue) Trying again.
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:51:10]</font></b> Last network request failed. (Pokemon Server issue) Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:52:05]</font></b> Enqueuing user action to Pokefarmer.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:52:13]</font></b> Looting <font color="#0094FF"><b>By a Thread</b></font>
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:52:13]</font></b> Received <font color="#0094FF"><b>50 EXP</b></font>.
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:52:14]</font></b> Last network request failed. (Pokemon Server issue) Trying again.
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:52:15]</font></b> Last network request failed. (Pokemon Server issue) Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:53:05]</font></b> Looting <font color="#0094FF"><b>Smoking Pillars</b></font>
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:53:05]</font></b> Received <font color="#0094FF"><b>50 EXP</b></font>.
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:53:06]</font></b> Last network request failed. (Pokemon Server issue) Trying again.
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[16:53:07]</font></b> Last network request failed. (Pokemon Server issue) Trying again.