i talked with a gold farmer on my server and making gold is retardedly simple..... all you need is enchanting and JC, then what you do is you spam trade to buy elementium in bulk (or you farm it, either way) prospect it all, cut the rare gems, then im not sure what he used but i know he made alot of cheap rings and DE'd them for profit.
i actually was in a group with him on my bank altfor about 8 hours and i could see the ring spam and prospect spam so i know its true.
but yeah, that and buy/reselling epics is always a nice way to make money but epics is always a big gamble.
note i am not doing this myself but he can afford to pay me 41g per stack of elementium in massive amounts everyday so he must make alot of cash.
or do like what i do, on my server, uldum is almost empty so i go in there and turn on gatherbuddy2 with my uldum mining/herbing profile, leave it on for 24 hours (no exageration i time it) and when i come back
every day it says it gathered 2500 nodes and i make 20k gold, so say you do that for a whole week, well thats 140k gold in 1 week, thats only 1 bot. now im leveling another account to do the same thing so 280k gold per week, the bulk of my gold comes from ore and volatile life gathered from plants, whiptail and cinderbloom is tough as hell to sell on my server but i mill that on my warrior and make those fortune cards and use them myself, but thats only me being a compulsive gambler, after 2000-3000 cards i have yet to win the 5k card....
now you do the math 280k gold per week
4 weeks in a month
.67$ per 1k gold from legit site on average (might be wrong but this is not meant to be an accurate calculation but more of a rough estimate)
280kx4 =1120k
1120kx0.67 = 750$ per month
750 - 30$ for the wow account cost = 720$ profit per month from doing nothing
now you can do that on multiple servers and prices vary. you can do it on as many accounts as you want and whatnot but paying your wow subscription is easily done by selling 50k gold a month wich is easily doable by simply farming say 4-5 days a month..... but if i were you id make sure to take the precautions not to get banned
all my calculations are rough estimates and may be far off but its simply to give you an idea of what kind of gold ud need,
long post to say something simple i apologize best gold making = mining/herbing => selling raw mats => profit => money