Hi im trying myself with writing a plugin now. I read the guides in the guide section installed visual studio express everything is ready.
Im trying to write a plugin, that when i press a button at the exilebuddy settings gui, starts to loot the items and execute the townrun.
I sadly didnt get really far. Thats what i got for now:
I would appreciate if someone could give me a push in the right direction.
Im trying to write a plugin, that when i press a button at the exilebuddy settings gui, starts to loot the items and execute the townrun.
I sadly didnt get really far. Thats what i got for now:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using log4net;
using Loki.Bot;
using Loki.Bot.Logic.Bots.OldGrindBot;
using Loki.Common;
using Loki.Game;
using Loki.Game.GameData;
namespace RequestTownRun
internal class RequestTownRun : IPlugin
private static readonly ILog Log = Logger.GetLoggerInstanceForType();
private Gui _instance;
private static uint _seed;
private static DatWorldAreaWrapper _areaEntry;
private static bool _isDead;
private static uint _isDeadSeed;
private static readonly Dictionary<uint, int> DeathsPerInstance = new Dictionary<uint, int>();
private static string _name;
private static int _level;
#region Implementation of IAuthored
/// <summary> The name of the plugin. </summary>
public string Name
return "RequestTownRun";
/// <summary>The author of the plugin.</summary>
public string Author
return "---";
/// <summary> The description of the plugin. </summary>
public string Description
return "Start to loot and begin a TownRun.";
/// <summary>The version of the plugin.</summary>
public string Version
return "";
#region Implementation of IBase
/// <summary>Initializes this plugin.</summary>
public void Initialize()
Log.DebugFormat("[RequestTownRun] Initialize");
/// <summary>Deinitializes this object. This is called when the object is being unloaded from the bot.</summary>
public void Deinitialize()
Log.DebugFormat("[RequestTownRun] Deinitialize");
#region Implementation of IRunnable
/// <summary> The plugin start callback. Do any initialization here. </summary>
public void Start()
Log.DebugFormat("[RequestTownRun] Start");
/// <summary> The plugin tick callback. Do any update logic here. </summary>
public void Tick()
if (!LokiPoe.IsInGame)
/// <summary> The plugin stop callback. Do any pre-dispose cleanup here. </summary>
public void Stop()
Log.DebugFormat("[RequestTownRun] Stop");
#region Implementation of IConfigurable
/// <summary>The settings object. This will be registered in the current configuration.</summary>
public JsonSettings Settings
return RequestTownRunSettings.Instance;
/// <summary> The plugin's settings control. This will be added to the Exilebuddy Settings tab.</summary>
public UserControl Control
return (_instance ?? (_instance = new Gui()));
#region Implementation of ILogic
/// <summary>
/// Coroutine logic to execute.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">The requested type of logic to execute.</param>
/// <param name="param">Data sent to the object from the caller.</param>
/// <returns>true if logic was executed to handle this type and false otherwise.</returns>
public async Task<bool> Logic(string type, params dynamic[] param)
if (type == "plugin_coroutine_event")
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Non-coroutine logic to execute.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the logic to invoke.</param>
/// <param name="param">The data passed to the logic.</param>
/// <returns>Data from the executed logic.</returns>
public object Execute(string name, params dynamic[] param)
return null;
#region Implementation of IEnableable
/// <summary> The plugin is being enabled.</summary>
public void Enable()
Log.DebugFormat("[RequestTownRun] Enable");
/// <summary> The plugin is being disabled.</summary>
public void Disable()
Log.DebugFormat("[RequestTownRun] Disable");
#region Override of Object
/// <summary>Returns a string that represents the current object.</summary>
/// <returns>A string that represents the current object.</returns>
public override string ToString()
return Name + ": " + Description;
I would appreciate if someone could give me a push in the right direction.