I'm looking for a grinding profile that will kill mobs in Townlong Steppes and also be able to farm Fool's Cap. Here's a link to wowhead which shows the area of Fool's Cap that I am interested in.
Fool's Cap - Object - World of Warcraft
As my farmer isn't 90 yet, I need this to be a ground profile that he can farm the herbs / mine with as well as kill mobs between hotspots.
Let me know if there is something already like this, I can't find it if there is. ]
Fool's Cap - Object - World of Warcraft
As my farmer isn't 90 yet, I need this to be a ground profile that he can farm the herbs / mine with as well as kill mobs between hotspots.
Let me know if there is something already like this, I can't find it if there is. ]