Just wanted to add, just watched a buddy of mine pretty much solo'd all the elites on the island with a disc priest. So........it can be done with a priest. at least disc, not sure about holy.
Well, you may be right. Having spent 9+ hours farming coins and rares, there's no real difficult mobs. Mostly because of the shared tags, every one can now loot and share kills. Death, is trivial, and 500+ ilvl is easier to get with valor and burden upgrades for 496 gear.
However, the day that TI becomes dead, much like the isle of giants, soloing cinderfall as a disc or shadow, or holy priest will be an adventure. (Oh boy that guy likes setting everything on fire)
the main issue is not the 1v1 fights, its the chain pulling or respawning of groups of 2 to 6 mobs.. Soloing cinderfall, works great until 4 elites suddenly drop you to 2300 health as they spawn behind you. I was farming shaohao rep, 11 mobs at a time, etc in a group of 3 of 4, etc. and yeah, disc + demo + dk, chewed through an entire area for 3 hours, no drama. I certainly didn't get much DPS, but I was cranking 40k at times while grouped up & tank chaining all the mobs around us.
Grinding TI is going to take everyone a while to get sick of, especially when people start going for bloody coins, same faction PvP is enthusiastic.
Now that object gatherer is updated (mostly), grind profiles can be made easier and simpler. Though, some time is needed for the difficult pickup items still, like the boats, etc.