The time between actions: caught, evolve, transfer is not set right, below an example. All are made in the same moment or after 1 second.
[10:26:05] Caught Pidgey CP(311) IV(53) successfully.
[10:26:05] Received 110 EXP.
[10:26:05] Received 100 stardust.
[10:26:05] Received 3x candy.
[10:26:05] Evolving Pidgey was successful.
[10:26:06] Transfered Pidgeotto with CP(608) IV(53) successfully.
[10:26:05] Caught Pidgey CP(311) IV(53) successfully.
[10:26:05] Received 110 EXP.
[10:26:05] Received 100 stardust.
[10:26:05] Received 3x candy.
[10:26:05] Evolving Pidgey was successful.
[10:26:06] Transfered Pidgeotto with CP(608) IV(53) successfully.