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thinking about coming back

Sep 5, 2013
hi guys, i was banned seeral months ago, 4 weeks after i got my account back from the dreaded 2015 may banwave !!
and literally all i did was use enyo with tuanha and gladiator dk and i recieved an 18 month ban...... so my question is, was there a way to detect the bot running ? as i never took my eye of it due to actually controlling my toon.... or was there some other foul play at hand? so is it safe to use just for CR's atm ? dont fancy getting another account and then getting banned 2 days later cause its being detected :p

cheers for any info guys!
hi guys, i was banned seeral months ago, 4 weeks after i got my account back from the dreaded 2015 may banwave !!
and literally all i did was use enyo with tuanha and gladiator dk and i recieved an 18 month ban......

...pretty much the same here!

And I learnt my lesson... never botting with my main account again.

I would only consider HonorBuddy for suicide botting (botting for gold/profit).

You've pretty much answered your own question though, your account will likely be banned in the next banwave if you play on a flagged account -as they got us all last time.

Either move on (playing by hand ain't so bad -try Hekili addon for rotations or GnomeSequencer -an advanced LUA macro addon) to help you play; the only option (as I see it, in your position -as am I) is to get another Battle net and try HB there.

Best of luck

TLDR don't bot on that flagged account. Use rotation addons like Hekili and GnomeSequencer.
...pretty much the same here!

And I learnt my lesson... never botting with my main account again.

I would only consider HonorBuddy for suicide botting (botting for gold/profit).

You've pretty much answered your own question though, your account will likely be banned in the next banwave if you play on a flagged account -as they got us all last time.

Either move on (playing by hand ain't so bad -try Hekili addon for rotations or GnomeSequencer -an advanced LUA macro addon) to help you play; the only option (as I see it, in your position -as am I) is to get another Battle net and try HB there.

Best of luck

TLDR don't bot on that flagged account. Use rotation addons like Hekili and GnomeSequencer.

so much misinformation in one post! your account is not "flagged", they dont have time to monitor the thousands of people who got hit in the banwave. it is well established what caused the banwave and that problem was fixed by the brilliant buddy developers! right now it is as safe as before the banwave so this talk of only suicide accounts is just scare mongering
so much misinformation in one post! your account is not "flagged", they dont have time to monitor the thousands of people who got hit in the banwave. it is well established what caused the banwave and that problem was fixed by the brilliant buddy developers! right now it is as safe as before the banwave so this talk of only suicide accounts is just scare mongering

if it was fixed after the banwave, how come after 4 times logging on in 4 weeks just for a raid and just for liek 3 hours each of thoese 4 days, how did i get another 18 month ban ? :( just unsure what to do ! using somethign else atm for pve but it just doesnt cut it for pvp :(
if it was fixed after the banwave, how come after 4 times logging on in 4 weeks just for a raid and just for liek 3 hours each of thoese 4 days, how did i get another 18 month ban ? :( just unsure what to do ! using somethign else atm for pve but it just doesnt cut it for pvp :(

if you were a smart botter you would be reading the forums and you would know the reason :) its because the tripwire caught the reason for the banwave but because tripwire has some delay a few accounts were lost. but feel good your sacrifice was important for the buddy community! :) the tripwire is protecting us but remember blizzard have the advantage in this battle, but the buddy developers are the best if anyone can meet the challenge they can!! :D
...pretty much the same here!

And I learnt my lesson... never botting with my main account again.

I would only consider HonorBuddy for suicide botting (botting for gold/profit).

You've pretty much answered your own question though, your account will likely be banned in the next banwave if you play on a flagged account -as they got us all last time.

Either move on (playing by hand ain't so bad -try Hekili addon for rotations or GnomeSequencer -an advanced LUA macro addon) to help you play; the only option (as I see it, in your position -as am I) is to get another Battle net and try HB there.

Best of luck

TLDR don't bot on that flagged account. Use rotation addons like Hekili and GnomeSequencer.

The 2 bans had nothing to do with flagged accounts... Please don't spread bs...

The 2 bans where simple... HB either the program or detection go detected... If you where online with HB at the time (REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU WHERE DOING) merely having the bot attached to your game client.. You where banned... Simple...

The only thing that came into the equation what is you where banned on the 1st ban wave- your second was 18month....

please for cry out loud... With those 2 banwaves your botting activities where COMPLETLY irrelevant... Please stop saying oh I was only using CR.. I was watching it 100% of the time- it dosnt matter.. When the bot is detected- there is nothing you can do but kill your account good bye..

I would guess those on 18months bans.. are on there last warning- the next ban will be for life... (my guess- nothing to back this up)
The 2 bans had nothing to do with flagged accounts... Please don't spread bs...

The 2 bans where simple... HB either the program or detection go detected... If you where online with HB at the time (REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU WHERE DOING) merely having the bot attached to your game client.. You where banned... Simple...

The only thing that came into the equation what is you where banned on the 1st ban wave- your second was 18month....

please for cry out loud... With those 2 banwaves your botting activities where COMPLETLY irrelevant... Please stop saying oh I was only using CR.. I was watching it 100% of the time- it dosnt matter.. When the bot is detected- there is nothing you can do but kill your account good bye..

I would guess those on 18months bans.. are on there last warning- the next ban will be for life... (my guess- nothing to back this up)

Perfectly said but some people will always troll and not get it or will just try and turn your words into a flame war or accusing you of being full of it.
Wish more threads like this just got auto shut down by tony or china jade and infractions given out.
It's so boring seeing the same ridiculously dumb fanboys talking the same crap on every thread asking for clues

yet anytime someone dares to speak differently of what they BELIEVE to be the one and only truth they jump on them like a wolf pack.

@OP, Thecamel said the truth regarding the banwaves. Both were recognized by the buddyteam as straight up detection due to different causes. They claim to have it solved by now, you are free to believe them or not.

Regarding the flagging, blizzard has previously flagged not only accounts and battlenets, but even specific computers. You'll find plenty of info on the ban section.

So, if you want to begin using the bot again with a lower ban chance, don't use the same computer (or do a clean installation including OS) and don't touch that previously banned account.

Probably not what you'd like to read, but honest.
The 2 bans had nothing to do with flagged accounts... Please don't spread bs...

The 2 bans where simple... HB either the program or detection go detected... If you where online with HB at the time (REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU WHERE DOING) merely having the bot attached to your game client.. You where banned... Simple...

The only thing that came into the equation what is you where banned on the 1st ban wave- your second was 18month....

please for cry out loud... With those 2 banwaves your botting activities where COMPLETLY irrelevant... Please stop saying oh I was only using CR.. I was watching it 100% of the time- it dosnt matter.. When the bot is detected- there is nothing you can do but kill your account good bye..

I would guess those on 18months bans.. are on there last warning- the next ban will be for life... (my guess- nothing to back this up)

I have friends who were botting during that time (banwave #2 precursor) whom did not get banned, with the only difference being that they were not previously banned back in '15.

So, with the greatest of respect, no.