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theTramper recorder


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2013
free product - records ores and herbs while you fly around and creates a GB2 profile

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Great work, I love the Tramper, and Rndbuddy. Gonna give this a shot to see if it helps find g-banks /and/ mailbox's easier. Keep up the good work Roboto! =D
Heads up, Version 0.2.0
Channel: Release
now using invariantculture (fixes . instead of , as decimal seperator)

sorry for that bug, didnt think of it to be honest, i'm on an imperial system :P
service notification
due to patch 6.0.2 hitting european server this night i will shut down all tramper and rndbuddy products tomorrow at 3am GMT+0
i will be releasing a new version for each plugin (if possible) in this follwing order:

theTramper: gather
theTramper notify
all other plugins

in addition i'm happy to annouce that all theTramper products will be served with additional geolocation loadbalancing.
i have set up very fast server in
- france/paris
- australia/sydney
- us/atlanta

all new plugin versions will automaticly find the best and fastest server, depending on your geolocation.
in addition the plugins will also be able to detect a server crash and fallback to any other online one

please do not respond to this thread until i released the new version of this plugin

while i'm updating stuff you can see my progress in my Trello ToDo List (sig)

new version running approval process:

version: 0.3.0
channel: release
working for wow 6.0.2

please be aware of: the current of Release of Honorbuddy is a TEST-RELEASE, so if you encounter bugs like dirty movement or stucks, refer to the right thread.
It only detect X coordinates like <Hotspot Z="212.4217" Y="212.4217" X="212.4217"/> ZYX are same..
It only detect X coordinates like <Hotspot Z="212.4217" Y="212.4217" X="212.4217"/> ZYX are same..
thank you.

new version on approval:
version: 0.4.0
channel: release
fix: hotspot creation now writes proper coordinates to output file
Why it doesn't work for me? Can someone explain how to record the hotspots with this? Should I load an empty profile first? What botbase to use? Should I actually gather the node in order to be recorded?
And, if you add delete button that last added hotspot it will be nice.
added to list, dont expect it anytime soon tho - i'm overloaded with work right now :D

Why it doesn't work for me? Can someone explain how to record the hotspots with this? Should I load an empty profile first? What botbase to use? Should I actually gather the node in order to be recorded?
the plugin collects InGameObject within your range.
so you enable it, press record and select a non-afk botbase like enyo and let addons be enabled.
the plugin will collect appearing ingame objects automaticly
WoD Update - how it's done
 First i'd like to thank you for beeing part of theTramper community. Your feedback was overwhelming and i never thought there would be that much public demand on my plugins. That said, the new xpac is finally here, you sure know that already. 
 In the past few months i've been working hard to establish my new Game Database which does contain almost every object in the entire World. This also includes WoD Data. I must honestly thank all of the guys who helped me gathering data in the new Map so i can claim that i got about 99% of the over-worlds herbs and ores already in my database.
 Since i can't change a live high availibility System like i want i will be taking the chance of (expected) HB Downtime when the new xpac ships. I'm expecting a new GamePatch on Tue/Wed so i'm quite sure HB will be down a few hours or days.
 When this happens i gonna take all products offline to bring my new database into the API of each product. This will affect at least: theTramper as well as theTramper gather - other plugins, not depending on the database should be working fine as soon as HB is online.
 Right now i've put all of my plugins on Feature-Freeze, which means that i'll be only fixing bugs and not bringing new features. The Feature freeze will be lifted after the first wod patch most likely.

General Statement on "Will this Plugin be updated for the xpac?"
 tl;dr: yes.
 long answer: all plugins will be updated if they are functional with the xpac, if i'm missing an important feature in the new game which i can't work around the plugin will mos tlikely be shut down. however, i dont have any good reason to assume this would happen.

Changelog for WoD Plugin Versions

all Tramper Products
 * moved settings off separate folders in ~\Settings\theTramper
 * assets are now stored in Settings Folder rather than AppData
 * reworked WebClient2 Custom HTTP Class

Released in Version
 * fixed bug in "issue local task" if position was not present or not yet populated to list
 * new export container format
 * improved stability
 * introduced new TTD Container Format, old Tasklists will be converted on import and saved to a new file in the same directory
 * extended GoalCondition GotXofY to carry up to 3 items
 * added online search form capability to find ItemIDs
 * XofY Goal Form must now have at least 1 item enabled, if not, a cancellation request will be filed
 * ControlButton [x] now deletes all selected Items in Local Task Pane
 * RightClick set-GoalCondition now updates every selected Item rather than the first one only
 * toggling auto show task description is now changed on click rather than onSave
 * Autoload Description on left click is now enabled by default
 * Added "Current Task Status"-Panel, can be toggled from Tollbox Window
 * Added "Toggle TopMost" toggle to "current status"-Panel
 * Item Search Form is now TopMost
 * Added Profile: Goto Entrance Shadowfang Keep
 * Added Profile: Instance Run Shadowfang Keep
 * Added Profile: Run Out Shadowfang Keep
 * Added Profile: Goto FROM Pandaria TO Alliance Shrine
 * SearchBar is now focused on settings interface load
 * added interface for easy modification of ProtectedItems.xml - to be accessed from toolbox
 * added interface for easy modification of ForceMail.xml - to be accessed from toolbox
 * added support for Templar by AknA
 * added support for Chameleon by AknA

theTramper gather
Released in Version 1.9.0
 * added personal blackspot interface
 * added better BadZone interface
 * added online-search for (bad) ZoneIDs
 * reworked settings gui a bit
 * added release of blackspots after combat within a reasonable range
 * automaticly aware of herb and ore gather settings
 * more productive for only-herb/only-mine skilled characters at generation process
 * added toolbox
 * added Current Me / Current Status Target to Toolbox
 * added "How many Nodes on this Map" to toolbox
 * added toolbox topmost toggle

theTramper recorder
Released in Version 1.3.0
 * added ability to delete pre-recorded hot-, blackspots and vendors before saving the profile

theTramper whispery
Released in Version
 * chatlog is now tabspaced saved and can be edited in notepad
 * added field to define separated words that will trigger "my name" detection for highlighting and sound playback, use whitespace for separation

theTramper targeteer
Released in Version 1.8.0
 * Initialization Tasks are now moved off to a am_i_enabled() subclass, no longer issued in constructor

the updates are now pushed to the store and should be available with the release of wod
Heads up!
New version has just been deployed

Product: theTramper recorder
Channel: Release
Version: 1.3.2

  • core changes

The Version has been submitted to the store as of 22.05.15 16:10:04 +0000
This new version must be approved by the buddystore dev team which might take up to 3 business days.

Automated Deployment Notification, ActionId: 555f46ccc4c9e