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theTramper randomizer


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2013

aka "theTramper dungeon's little sister"


theTramper randomizer gives you the power to randomize any profile you like.
no matter if it's Questing, Grind, Gatherbuddy

based on the randomization technologies of rndbuddy, theTramper dungeon and theTramper gather, your profile will be altered and unique on each process
once randomized, the profile will be saved on your system, making it able to be loaded on restart without any further actions needed.

Randomizaion Factor:

This linechart shows how much your corrdinates will be randomized, based on the randomization factors value


Recommended Settings
Questing: 1 - 3
Gatherbuddy: 5-20
Grinding: 7-35
Instance Farming: 2-10 (smaller numbers for smaller instances - like 2 for botanica, 10 for pit of saron)
the bigger the value the more unique the result will be

Randomization Workflow:
randomization is done through the Settings Pane.

Step 1:
open settings window

Step 2:
Rightclick last Files, select any xml profile and. it will appear in your list
To ranomize this profile right click on it and select "run this task"


Voillá! After a couple seconds this profile has been randomized and loaded to your honorbuddy.
Press start to run.

! Working with HBRelog !
You can easily select any pre-randomized profile in HBRelog.
All profiles are saved locally at


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Knowing the difference - product matrix

Known Issues:

randmoization might fail when using profiles with comments over multiple lines

issues with unproperly encoded russian charactes in profiles
state: fixed
note on this: please make sure, third pary profiles are encoded properly

help if the randomirazion does not work

if you're an profile developer:

every profile gets cleaned up and validated by tidy.
make sure to proper encode your profile (especially russian chars used to be encoded in hex)
make sure to use <!-- * --> comments, // is not a real comment
get yourself familiar with the xml specifications: Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)

as a user
feel free to contact me, all buyers can be sure of my personal help with their profiles

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Any thing else in a Buddy Store product Support thread is considered 'off topic' and may be deleted. Examples include, but are not limited to:
  • Price discussions
  • Comparisons to other products
  • Theory crafting
  • General chit-chat
  • etc
We ask that you please refrain from creating off-topic posts in Support threads.
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Is this randomized for example every instance run? Or should i create like 600 profiles and put them in queue?
Is this randomized for example every instance run? Or should i create like 600 profiles and put them in queue?
randomization is done that time you press "run this task" that time it gets randomized and saved locally
So if i make 60 tasks of the same profile it will run them all randomized right?
you can also add the profile once, and press "run this task" 60 times

after this goto %localappdata%\theTramper\randomizer\profiles

there will be 60 different profiles ;)
Indeed i did but since there is nothing to save it has no effect at all. I ran the profile stopped it but it does not appear =(
what do you mean "there is nothing to save?"
the moment you add a task to the list ist will be added, press save and your tasklist content will be saved.
if you require further assistance contact me on skype or submit a log
Never mind was just me being totally stupid sorry^^ works just fine now thank you for your great work
Never mind was just me being totally stupid sorry^^ works just fine now thank you for your great work
could you tell me (if it's that "stupid" feel free to pm me), maybe it can help other people some time
No. I mean something like "Profile changer" - https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...rofile-changer.html?highlight=profile+changer

Its really important to change the Zones automaticly. With this plugin its possible to change profiles after a randomized time. But the Problem is, it just works with one botbase.
You cant mix Grindbot+Questbot Profiles. And still your Features are missing. A combination of both would be epic!
No. I mean something like "Profile changer" - https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...rofile-changer.html?highlight=profile+changer

Its really important to change the Zones automaticly. With this plugin its possible to change profiles after a randomized time. But the Problem is, it just works with one botbase.
You cant mix Grindbot+Questbot Profiles. And still your Features are missing. A combination of both would be epic!
hm, this feature is part of theTramper dungeon.
anyhow, i could sure add it to this one as well
Would be perfect to get one Plugin to randomize this with different kind of Profiles in different botbases. like the profile changer.
service notification
due to patch 6.0.2 hitting european server this night i will shut down all tramper and rndbuddy products tomorrow at 3am GMT+0
i will be releasing a new version for each plugin (if possible) in this follwing order:

theTramper: gather
theTramper notify
all other plugins

in addition i'm happy to annouce that all theTramper products will be served with additional geolocation loadbalancing.
i have set up very fast server in
- france/paris
- australia/sydney
- us/atlanta

all new plugin versions will automaticly find the best and fastest server, depending on your geolocation.
in addition the plugins will also be able to detect a server crash and fallback to any other online one

please do not respond to this thread until i released the new version of this plugin

while i'm updating stuff you can see my progress in my Trello ToDo List (sig)