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The war.


New Member
Apr 25, 2010
Today I was on my computer just hanging out while my bots were farming. I suddenly noticed that the 2 I had on got disconnected and were permanently closed. I was pissed. I know you can be banned for botting but when I found out that they were banned for gold selling I was angry because I have never sold gold on those accounts. I called up blizzard and luckily I got a girl...I am not racist or prejudice but in my opinion girls aren't as lenient as men on the phone at blizzard. She basically said I cant do anything go open a ticket I dont care. So I did just that and it was denied. I was raging. I stormed to the phone and got blizzard up and this time I got a guy and I started yelling and cussing at him. I thought the man was going to cry. An hour later I got a ticket stating that botting yada yada was illegal. Then it stated that the circumstances under my account would not be forgiven as such before. I got my accounts unlocked by doing something I have always wanted to do. I cussed out a blizzard employee and out of all the times I thought of doing it and my accounts remained banned, the thing I thought would work the least turned out in my favor. Sort of feel like blizzard handled their case improperly because I have never traded anyone else on my farmers besides accounts in my own name which is what I stated in my ticket. +1 for honorbuddy gents.
Seriously you can't be bothered to read a paragraph?

Grats on getting your account back...I didn't think the phone monkeys could do anything to help with an in game ban.
did he get it back? it wasn't really all that clear. i feel sorry about the poor CSR's you yelled at, i had that job before doing applecare support and it sucks ass, and the reason i quit. some jerk Raging at me like its personally my problem he cant use his iphone without an internet connection and itunes. i HOPE that at least some time maybe tomorrow for all the hell you put people though today that you try and balance your "Botting Karma" out with doing something nice for someone.
did he get it back? it wasn't really all that clear. i feel sorry about the poor CSR's you yelled at, i had that job before doing applecare support and it sucks ass, and the reason i quit. some jerk Raging at me like its personally my problem he cant use his iphone without an internet connection and itunes. i HOPE that at least some time maybe tomorrow for all the hell you put people though today that you try and balance your "Botting Karma" out with doing something nice for someone.

They are pissy all the time.
see CodenameG's post. The OP's post was not clear, was not a concise thought or atleast not written as one. I read the paragraph but couldn't tell what the outcome really was as far as the process of unbanning.
Yeah why did you cuss the blizz people out? You got banned for botting when you know its against your user agreement. The blizz people have always been nice and helpful with every problem I have ever had.

see CodenameG's post. The OP's post was not clear, was not a concise thought or atleast not written as one. I read the paragraph but couldn't tell what the outcome really was as far as the process of unbanning.

He is just emotional and frustrated about his loss at the moment. Not a good state for communicating.
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I'm in customer service and if a customer rages about something company policy is to give them what they want - a cancellation of charges for a product, a refund, a replacement whether they deserve it or not because if you don't that customer may find another place to spend their money. It sucks for the rep on the phone but it gets the customer what they want.
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I somehow managed to read the OP and felt bad for Blizzard, not a great story to be honest.