[EquipItem-v501(error)]: The value 'OffHandSlot' is not a member of the InventorySlot enumeration. Allowed values: AmmoSlot, BackSlot, Bag0Slot, Bag1Slot, Bag2Slot, Bag3Slot, ChestSlot, End, FeetSlot, Finger0Slot, Finger1Slot, HandsSlot, HeadSlot, LegsSlot, MainHandSlot, NeckSlot, None, RangedSlot, SecondaryHandSlot, ShirtSlot, ShoulderSlot, TabardSlot, Trinket0Slot, Trinket1Slot, WaistSlot, WristSlot
[EquipItem-v501(error) @line 429]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
any idea how i can fix this? sorry new to botting :[
[EquipItem-v501(error) @line 429]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
any idea how i can fix this? sorry new to botting :[