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The tree love-making problem


New Member
Oct 17, 2011
I have discovered a terrible truth... my toon has "treephilia"... I leave it farming in the night, and every morning, when i wake up, i find it making love to a tree...
I am a very respectful person, and i don't want to mess with other people's relationships. I would hate to break my toon's relationship with the tree, but I'm afraid I will get banned if I let it continue... (and thus, you won't have the pleasure of reading my messages anymore, since i just have one account).
So, since I guess my character is not the only one having this problem, I would like to know what are you doing about this disgusting behavior...
This is what I've tried so far:
1) Used LogMeOut: This plugin has an option to disconnect the bot if it's stuck more than "X" times. It used to work, but not anymore.
2) Used StuckHelper: This plugin sometimes works, sometime doesn't. It works most of the time if you're stuck on the ground, but if you're flying, it just doesn't.
3) Created my own profiles with smaller routes and blackspots: They worked for a while, but sooner or later the bot ended up stuck in a tree, in a house, in a rock... it all depends on WHERE is the node it's gathering. If the bot can not move forward and can not move up, that's it. End of the farming session. When it's flying, the default "un-stuck" behavior is to fly up, then fly right, and forward. If UP and FORWARD are blocked... it won't be able to get out. EVER.
4) Asked for help to the administrators and posted my logs.

So, the one million dollar question is: Did you find any fix for this issue (other than what i've mentioned)? How do you deal with it?
thanks in advance.
Hahaha i laughed really hard at this post! :P atleast u have a nice sence of humor! :P

Im afraid tho that im not capable of answering your question m8.. hope someone else can help u out. ive never had that kind of problem tbh.
Maybe install a fresh HB?

I had some movement issues with a mage of mine and after reinstalling a fresh HB it worked flawlessly again..
If its a specific node cant u blacklist it some how?

Hope u get the help u need m8 cheers 4 making my day! :)
I have reinstalled HB from scratch,and it didn't fix the problem. I think the issue is related to the profiles themselves. Why? Because i have some profiles that work flawlessly. W00t's profile for Twilight Highlands and Zuabros profile for Hyjal are great. I can leave them overnight and they will still be working in the morning.
The problem is that cata ores drop their price dramatically... i can not farm elementium or obsidium anymore. So, i was forced to move to other, less popular minerals such as cobalt and mithril. Perhaps the problem is that these profiles don't have enough blackspots. Most of them were migrated from GB1... So, they don't have any blackspot... AT ALL.
lmao, i just couldnt finish to read cuz my bosses where around and i was lol'ing so hard hahaha, u made my day just with this

"I leave it farming in the night, and every morning, when i wake up, i find it making love to a tree..."
Relevant to the next x-pack for you :p
