Ok so, so far i have 2 90s 1 hand lvled the other botted and working on a warrior right now who hit 86 today and well to say i love watching the bot do its thing in bgs even more so when i see a small group of people take the same obscure path my bot runs it kind of puts a smile on my face and at times i whipser them stay classy and have a small conversation while in the mists of the badassnes that is HB knowing how other people are unaware of what an actual bot will do and confuse it with an autoclicker that cycles cordinates on the monitor that then just spams a spell or 2 over throughout the battle for them to get kicked and no questions had with us actual users. Thanks Buddy for the great times that i have had so fat using your product for making un-fun grinds disappear and cheering something on that i really enjoy when doing something else.
~Stay Classy~
~Stay Classy~