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The best way to make gold using HB?


New Member
Jan 10, 2012
Okay, so 100 stacks of elementium ore sells for 5k ish gold on my server. I can get about 100 or so each night of botting. Is there a faster way? I kinda of want to play instead of just botting and 5k gold is nothing on my server. Help?
Bot for both ores and herbs, create pots for raid nights etc.

AH is pretty dead.
Traditional ore and herb markets have partially collapsed on many servers as raid guilds stop in prep for MoP. Even the ore shuffle has lost much of its viability lately, at least on my server. Unless you really need the money now, one recommendation would be to create a stockpile on items that will be in high demand come MoP as new and returning players buy mats to level up professions.

Ore from Outland is a particularly valuable commodity right now. The prices on Saronite, etc are already incredibly high on my server. While the demand right now is mild, meaning I wouldn't flush it with 100 stacks on a single night, the demand will only rise as MoP comes so now is a good time to get ahead of the curve.

Another avenue would be to try fishing. The market for fish, especially the mats required for Seafood Magnifique Feast has still remained fairly strong on my server, though demand a bit down due to the wane of this expansion. So you might find it profitable to dip into this market a bit as well. Fishing in pools does not require a certain fishing level, so initial investment would be minimal.

Overall, markets are certainly shifting like they do before every expansion. Try to use this to your advantage.
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you should really try pet farming mate, just play by hand during the day (if you want to ofcourse) and raid etc..
and then when you've gotta go sleep, you just set the bot on to farm a rare pet (ooze,parrot or firefly etc.) sell them next morning = profit :D

biggest amount of gold ive made in a 6 hour session was 45k gold.. got 3 fireflies ;D