I just wanna say thanks for this bot and to the people that make the custom CC's, especially for lazyraider. I have 2 accounts, my main and the other I made just to bot on about a year ago. I q with both accounts since my alt account has a resto druid and my q is usually almost instant. If I take the right class I get 2 rolls on loot in LFR that I can give to my main account. I put my druid on follow with /f, not a plugin or anything and he heals his ass off, just did 15k hps in BH. I've healed every fight in LFR with /f and always keep up with the other healers. I don't know how to play some of my toons but lazyraider does so that's how I play. I've got full Ruthless on all my toons and all the 378 JP gear I can get on all of them. I've got every profession maxed and almost a million gold and use that to buy all my gametime for both accounts. This was def a good investment. I've donated and contributed when I could. Thanks again.