I figured I would have another month or so before a pre-7.2 cleanout. Its just happening too frequently, the only people who can use the bot are goldsellers who run 24/7 assuming bans incoming. Good on those guys, and for them the bot is great im sure. Blizzard has stepped their game up recently for sure.. why they bother being super-protective of a dying game and burning their sub base out more, i dont know. I have gotten a refund on the games I bought for all three of the banwaves I was caught in (thanks paypal) so i doubt its that profitable.. but they have a chip on their shoulder, and bossland has all their bots under one company and one name for cross-branding, but it also made it personal. Obviously blizz is attempting to bury them with a big show of force to intimidate others in the future.
Its been a fun ride like i said, I have been with gatherbuddy since it ws gatherbuddy in like 2011? (my account FakeName I can no longer access because the email was lost long time ago) and there was a time where this bot was on top of its game with a fantastic community behind it. Obviously the lawsuit has put a lot of strain on the staff, and with the whole Apoc thing, and threatening tactics by blizz, im sure a lot of the focus really isnt on the bot. Especially since the money isnt made from those of us running 3-5 clients, but the gold sellers who dont complain much because they plan to get banned and banwaves only suck when the account wasnt profitable before it was burned. People seem to be fooled because the casual botter is the most vocal on the orums that they are the majority, i highly doubt that, i would imagine the silent majority vastly dwarfs the casual botters.
Anyways, it has been one hell of a run, and this bot has kept me playing for many years past when i would have quit due to simply not caring anymore to deal with the BS. Even this time I was only back to build up an account I wanted to sell, but was getting sucked back into it.. this makes the decision very simple for me. Maybe I'll catch a few of you in Star Citizen if it ever comes out, haha. To Bossland and crew, next time maybe you should be a little more covert. I understand that you are selling a product and to make money means marketing, but the limelight isnt a good spot for a botting company. Sometimes its better to have fewer customers, and maintain your profits, then pay all your cash to lawyers and be the biggest botting company on the planet.